Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why pray if you don't believe...

(I know some people don't believe and that's fine ... I'm not debating whether you might or might not)
I'm just compelled to write about it before I forget ...
Je ne sais pas, D'accord!

Sunday in Mass the Priest was talking about Believing.... and well basically trusting...
He was speaking about people who follow but they don't truly believe. People are always seeking other ways of  "just in case this fails" mentality... I mean it makes sense to rely on something more secure but then why pray if you're already expecting nothing in return... what's the point?
For example: (don't ask for the logistics of the setting... I dont' know)
It's pitch dark and a man falls... He manages to hold on by a branch. He starts praying and asking for someone to come and help him.
God hears his prayer... And answers him, "Let go. I'm here"
The man is too scared to let go... asks God if he can send someone to help safe him and he let's fear get ahold of him... he panics thinking no one will come... He has a heart attack and dies holding on...
In fact he was only a few feet from the floor... If he would have listened to the answer of his prayer he would have been saved...
Sometimes, people pray but are not willing to accept the answers to their prayers and blindly go looking somewhere else for answers ... .
So I guess, why pray or seek from a higher being if you're not going to trust the the response... if you believe believe.. but if you don't believe why even go to church or pray...

So yea... I just needed to say that... =D

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