Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 2: 9 things about me

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
1. Very committed- I have always been a rather committed person whether in a job or in a relationship. When in job I'm very dedicated, hard working and will do anything in power and give 100% even when I'm tired and don't feel good. I guess that can also apply to a relationship. When I feel committed, I guess I give all of me and sometimes it seems like a little too much but I can't give less of me. It doesn't feel right. I guess I go into it like I have nothing to lose but in the end I have everything to lose but that's what makes it worth it. I just love with my heart... with my heart and I appreciate.
2. Led more by the heart than thought - I guess this is what is a result of feeling committed or sometimes driven by guilt (a pure guilt because I have nothing to feel guilty about) But, my heart always leads me to do the right thing for me and sometimes I just go into something ... have you heard the phrase "love is blind" well that's me all the way...sure my mind is there trying to play its part (self tug o war, or the lil angel/lil devil image) but i'm driven with emotion, feeling, love... and making everything perfect. Which has actually made me vulnerable because my feelings in my heart were pure.
3. Always have felt like an outsider- Since I was growing up I never fit in, anywhere. I always hated  big groups. The only time I have ever fit in was where I hang out one on one with a person. I guess this is why when I fall for someone I feel  comfortable because it's comfortable environment. I guess feeling as an outsider even with closer and family has led me to be more of a loner... I'm not awkward about it... I can do the big groups but I don't feel it.
4. A very impatient patient person-  I'm very impatient person... when I want something I want it that very moment no matter what it is... Once it comes to my mind I want it... here's the thing If I can't have it I'll wait but only because I can't get it... I impatiently patiently wait... even though anxiety builds.
5.reserved to an extent  and shy- in person I am very reserve and quite shy... it takes a small while to feel comfortable. And I get comfortable but it needs to be build on constant. But, once my reservation and shyness is gone with a person, it's reserved for a special occasion.
6.When I give myself I fully give myself. -Yes when I love, I love to the fullest.
7.Was a music major and although love it and wish I would have done something else now.
8.Sometimes I feel I'm single because I deserve to be alone - like punishment... i don't know
9. And I think way too much sometimes... over analyze at times..

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever.)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

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