Sunday, May 8, 2011

I still got it... ;D

Well, I've actually woken up today quite happy yet a little tired but it's my fault for always going to sleep so late... I guess I do need a bed time sometimes but more of an enforcer... haha I guess I'm a little like a little kid... haha
So my brother, the one with the baby is going to a wedding with his girlfriend and some of her fam... So he asked if we can watch the baby. Of course we say yes! At first it felt as though they were so over protective but I guess they're starting to see the benefit of family. heart
So he stayed here all day yesterday bc his gf's car broke down and so I took him to go pick her up from her and then took them home... And guess what? They gave me the baby!!! YAY!!!! So meanwhile I was driving they were giving me lists and to do things... haha... yes, I've had a baby before... so I would nod and agree... laughing And my brother remembered that I forget things... but come on can you really forget things that pertain to such a beautiful and innocent being... Not me!!!! I still remember what they were telling... somewhat, HA! Anyways, so since she remembered my memory too... she said well I'll text you at 4am... (which she didn't, bet you they slept so well) They warned me that I wasn't going to sleep because the baby doesn't sleep at night and warned me that I would be struggling...  Well, Baby woke up once or twice but no big deal I put him back to sleep quick... he woke up at like 7am which they tell me he gets up at 4 and wont go back to sleep... at 7 gave him his cereal... and a lil water... and then we all played with him a lil bit and then maybe like 30 mins ago I gave him his bottle... Guess what? He's asleep... I don't think they  understand the concept of parenthood yet... but deep  inside every time they would tell me about their struggles at night (I would be laughing, deep inside) I went through it, I know what it is to have sleepless nights but in my case I was working and a full time student and lots of homework... sure my bro is in school, and the gf just started working but they both help out each other at night... And I was I alone, by myself... (hey but many ladies out there do it all)
So, i feel a little proud of me... which then confirms what  I've been wanting for a while. I'm not young anymore... My son is 5 heading to 6... And well I would love to eventually start a family myself with a person. I know it isn't day dreams and laughs (all the time)  but I am ready to take the  next step in my life... I remember for a few year I said I didn't want anymore children and I practically begged my doctor to tie my tubes... I was 20(almost 21),  he said no! he said either I had to be 30 or 3 children... sounded stupid to me. But, he was right kind of glad I didn't... For like over a year I felt I missed having the tiny lil clothes, tiny socks, tiny shoes, the bottles, the baby stuff... I missed it all... which was when I decided to start want to get to know people... Even though, I want a baby it doesn't mean that I'm going to go sleep around until one knocks me up...It's nothing to do with sex but more of creative love. And bringing a child into this world should equally mean the same to the both in affect (both man and woman)
Anyways, I'm done ... I'm so happy! pleased

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