Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How did you come up with your xanga username?

It's a user name I use for many things... But the way it came out to be was well I was a huge fanatic of Siberian white tigers in college and well my fav color was pink so I picked pinktiger and well it was taken so my so at the time picked those last 3 numbers... and it stayed ever since then which is now for like 6-7 years

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

How was your high school prom? Was it a night to remember or a nightmare to forget?

Well I can't say it was a nightmare bc I at least got one dance but the rest of the night was fighting and full of tears because I wanted to dance and my couple didn't and well didn't allow me to with my friends either... I was miserable that night... wow it was a nightmare then... It's weird because sometimes we even try to think of the worst as one of the best moments you had in life. So sad... oh yeah, when we were ready... we were both dressed and went to take pictures on Sierra Ave. and then we had time to kill so he decides he wants to go play at some computer place.... yeah...boring!!!

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

If catastrophe struck and you had to flee your home, what items would you grab and why?

The weird/funny thing about this question is that I have been thinking about it for years and it kills me to think about it. it really does. When I was younger I even use to get nightmares... i would dream of this huge fire that would consume my house and I couldn't get anything out...
i think as the years progress our priorities change and we grow up. I think that I would first make sure my son is ready to be moved so I can prepare everything else. I use to want to take photos albums but now just CDs I have and a couple small albums, plus my 2 laptops...I think everything else is easily replaceable. Nothing else sticks to mind...and for me to say that; I am actually quite proud because I am one of those people who really can't live without anything she already had...

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

Have you ever experienced betrayal? How did you deal with this case?

I think for the most part there will always be a moment in time where we are all betrayed or have felt betrayed for that matter. I think that the biggest betrayal for me lately has been on my trust. once it has been betrayed it is not easily gained back. There is no Vedetta on you by me but you will not easily woe me towards your side. I've has some apologies but the way I was treated and everything said is much more than an apology can fix. Actions will always speak louder than words and unfortunately I rather separate and not see people like that mostly ever again than being faced with the question if I can be friends or trust a person who would do so much harm based on their delusions and from their own rumors started.  Separation was the best thing.

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

What are your biggest pet peeves?

Well the biggest one I have is having to hear when people chew with their mouth open. It's the most disgusting and disturbing thing in the world. Eww... it truly grinds my gears! There is a few more but I can't think of them as much as this one is the biggest.

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So many things have happened in the last 2 years. And you know what? I just can't complain about them anymore, I am just happy that we have survived those challenges we have faced. Sure there are a few moments when I just wish I could run but then I think of those who have faced harder challenges in their lives and have overcome. My only hardship is to keep my parents organized in track. Make sure everything is running sooth, that my mom makes it to her appointments and that her business is running smoothly... so I order merchandise and deliver. I also teach music and make sure they learn, translate english to spanish, VPof membership and a Manager for a Multi level company.

We must do to survive and I think that I am finally beginning to understand life a little more. As the days pass I feel I am maturing and not that sensation we had when we were 16-17 where we thought we knew it all. But now I feel I know less than I thought what I knew then but the difference is that I am more sure about the insecurities that torn me apart then. I think I have a potential to be a good person but I still have a long way to go. I think I will learn how to be a better person when I stop allowing people to take advantage of my being too nice. I guess it's hard saying no sometimes even when due circumstances makes things more difficult. With my son by my side, there many things of motherhood which I need to learn. People can tell me all they want how to handle a child like mine but all I can say is that tactics you may use on your (if you have one) have bee tried and have not worked til now. People tell me talk to him and explain things to him... (yeah, I am sure that you kids has a "it's my way or the highway" mentality. right... ) No compromising and he doesn't accept bribes ... you could take away what he likes and he wont care will just go on doing whatever he wants. I am sure school will change him a lot without a doubt but when I really start thinking about it, I worry a bit. Not for his sake ( I mean I care for him but I am sure he will be fine) but more for his teacher.

He does fine with adult authority but I do not understand why he acts up when I am around.

IDK.... I guess that is life and that is what we need to find out about our kids. A mother's job... I guess that is the sort of thing that we  need to find out before we have kids... firstly find our gene pool with both sides of parents and then find out the other side's genes. At first glance for a few years they can look great and as times passes you can realize you were completely wrong in some aspects and you can do anything about it but pay for the choices you had made once. Even worse when you have a total replica but in child form so more needy..... Hahaha! Isn't life just great! If it wasn't for her jokes I don't know what I would do... haha.... (sarcastic laugh)

On another hand, My mom's recovery is going great! She is going strong and getting better day by day. MOre stress at times but she is taking baby steps and one day at a time. sometimes it seems like she is a little depressed but times are a little tough and not much we can do. But I think the move  out here to Apple Valley has really helped her. It is so peaceful and quiet. We  don't see very many cars so that is nice. Big yard... my parents are starting to plant things and I want to do flowers my self also. New environment and we needed it.

My Grandma is here with us too and we think she is depressed a little. She has been a little sick to her stomach and a lot of things happened leading to my having to be hospitalized so that didn't go well with her. I just want her to stay here with us and relax and not do anything. But she doesn't want to stay for too long. See she is going to be  77 in June and she watches over her aunt who is like prolly 90 some....i don't think that is a good combo... she needs us to watch her now... not be watching his older model of her dying slowly but surely. You know what I mean. Well she also gets paid but she doesn't need money, for what? It's not like she spends it, everybody always gives her what she needs.... I hope she decides to settle and stay here. She will be better off I think. I really Do!

Sorry for random thought!.... heheheh

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So these last couple of weeks sure have been a little tough. I think the thing I hate the most is the long drive.You can go 80 on the freeway and it still takes you 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 mins. And well these last couple of weeks I have gone 3 times in boths weeks all the way to fontana to teach the high school and once to upland on wednesday.  The good thing was there was a little of work but because they have spring break I did all my work in these 2 weeks and leaving the kids a 3 week break from me. So I will not return to the high school until April 5th. But I will continue to go to my upland classes. See the thing that sucks it's not just the commute but the cost. But I guess it's something I have been coping with. It's not fun spending so much money on gas but oh well it has to be done, right. I really do like being out here where there is nothing more beyond. I feel peace and tranquility. I am not going to say I hate it when it feels right for the first time in many years.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mom Update

Mom finally had  her surgery  on Monday the first. They took her from us at 10:30a and the surgery started at 12:24. We took a small break but went back again at 2. The was out of surgery at 4:40. We waited and they didn't let us see her until 7 when they put her in her room. But even then we had to ask special permission and they said no a couple times and we insisted and said they allowed us to go in for a minute just to say good by. We had been away from home for like 12 hours and I was very worried about  my brother and Danny. Anyways, When we went to see her yesterday she was doing great. I was amazed at how good communicating. She was eating great and she looked so much better than when I took her in Last week on tuesday. The Dr told me yesterday that if she is doing this great maybe they will put her in a regular room today but there is no guarantee. She has been ICU for more than a week and has only allowed visitors every other hour. We might be able to see her for a bit longer time once she is in a regular room and maybe not have to ask permission each time we go in...
The whole situation has been very hard on the whole family and specially with mom. We had to move a bit farther than we're used to in over 12 years and having to go back so often has been hard on the pockets. It's a tough situation to be in, having limited visitations and well Danny is extremely affected by not being able to see my mom. It sometimes makes me sad because he's been more irritable and he knows where she is but we can't take him in. We will see what happens in the next few days...