Saturday, July 16, 2011

You don't need to look for it when it comes to your door

Well kind of funny story if well kind of to me. This time I wasn't scared but more amused at the situation although don't get me wrong a small fear sparked thinking for my son. It's the only protective sense I get, the motherhood one.
Let me back track just a bit, my parents are leaving to north CA (left this early morning) for the weekend and they begged and pleaded for us to go, the only siblings left in the house,the oldest being me and the youngest being the 2nd twin born. So he has the weekend off and my mom thought it would be perfect even though we disagree. I'm 26 and he's 19 as much as we love our parents dearly we also need a break from them.
Anyways, so last night a couple comes and visits my mom from the prayer group she's been going to and as they were leaving there was a another car in our drive way. We live in the high desert, a calm neighborhood (apparently surrounded by underground factories so there must be a lot skants (meth users) every where) but so as that couple left there was another car and I know this because my parents and brother told me... When the people left all I remember is hearing cars leave... my bro left and my dad left... My mom was asking where had everybody gone, no clue.
The people who were parked in our driveway (an older couple) we don't know them  my bro thought it was my parents' lawyers... well there was a black (chrysler, I wanna say) car who had been chasing them and the people ran out street since we live in a culdesac and came and parked in with us..., thank you strangersfor bringingdanger to our home... so My brother rebel and fearless (if you'llcallit that) left to guide the older people out of the neighbor for theirprotection.... and my dad left (I don't even know why) but he didn't know what was going on or that he was being followed by that black car but he came back soonly after probably when he saw my bro went to Little Ceasars's Pizza where he works...
My bro goes to his work and sits inside they always have a single chair... there as one of his friends co-workers smokes a cigarrette in his break...  I apparently that car has pulled up a couple time behind the 4-runner to get it our lisence plate and all... Soonly after the people from the car come to my bro's friend ask ask him "Is this your ride?" talkign about the 4-runner and he said it was...I don't know what quite happened but that led to a fight of some sort and one of those people following the oldpeople (trying to claim hood or somethihng) got their a** beat for being stupid... So my bro when they saw that happening go outside incase the other people in the car were going to come out too... Those people left. My bro's friend told him about themseeing the license plate and asked why didn't he tell him, the friend said it was all too fast.
Honestly, when my parents were telling me even though they had a serious face and were using it as means to make us go to go to North Ca.. I started laughing. I was nervous... nervous some strangers had been parked in the driveway... nervous that these people who were following the old people knew/know where we live, nervous that they were jumped by my bro's work, nervous that they can come back, they can get weapons, can find reinforcements... But, my bro and I decided to stay... A lil afraid that they can come to the house,fear for my son because if anything goes down (I've never been a fighter, always a lover) but you bet that when it comes down to it... I will go crazy...I just know it...
The when my bro told it to me gave me an adrenaline rush. I was a lil paranoid until I fell asleep. At least this time my dad was around...  about 6-7 months my same bro had a threatening call which kept us up in high alert all night... and since that moment  on I thought that I wasn't going to have much fear. It surely makes me want to have the gun I told myself as a youngin I was going to get at 18...(never did) I would still love the own one, learn to use it properly and keep it in case of anything... Nowadays nothing is safe it's better to feel secure and have it in a safe where kids wont know how to get in.
My parents left this morning... hopefully they get to relax which they wont since we're home.
I just find it funny how these thing just happen. the first threat was by some friends my bro rid of them... he is not gang affiliated and he knows not to bring sh*t home because I think I would go just as crazy on him for bringing danger to the house. But, we will never be to escape the dangers from the world... I just don't want my son to see that light. When we moved from where I grew up (a place where you have one of the beautiful missions the 4th built in CA) and where we use to live was in between 2 of the most prominent gang affiliated streets... with rivals always trying to take way to grow up... And sadly kids see that everyday.
But, I refuse to allow my son see or live in such fear. By nature he already builds his own "guns" and ways to attack bad guys a and I know it's not because anything I've said but he knows there are bad people who exist.
Interesting how life is...

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