Friday, July 22, 2011

Angry >:/

So I'm currently really angry... talking to the clinic where my son was last seen and all they have to do is tell me what shots he's missing which they have the chart in front of them... then they ask if he has medi-cal .. no he doesn't ... he did back then so they need his card number to find out what he is missing... Umm... Look at the chart it's up to date and that's all you need (enter really angry phrase here) because obviously if they're his last doctor and he's still  in the system they should know all of this... they got all this medical records before that it's regular protocal... I've been hold holding for the who knows how many times and hearing the  words ," [doctor offices' name], how can I help you?" is really grinding gears to the max... I'm not nice on the phone anymore like I was the first 4 or so calls... I've been holding for over 30 minutes with minimum contact and my patience is now really gone. How hard can it be? Seriously, I called early and they told me "oh, she just left to lunch" ... it was the same voice... call back half an hour later, call an hour later ...

Haha... they just told me she was in lunch again right now when they said that more than an hour and a half ago...what is wrong with these people...

yes, I don't like to get mad... but this is bullshit and I know she realized that when I told her she had gone to lunch twice... ugh!!!!!!!!!!!

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