Friday, July 15, 2011

YOU are not the world...

Yes, that is actually the book that I have in my hand. You may laugh or not... it actually makes me cry when I read it.


I don't know how many have looked at it, I mean it's been around for years. I remember seeing it when I was a little and I've gotten a hold of many books I read as a child for sentimental value and hoping I'd be able to pass them them down. Besides we know that schools change...

We're all aware of what we have all become mostly unto ourselves and our selfish gains. We see people in need and sometimes don't even have the audacity to even look at them. We turn our heads like they're nothing. Sometimes we don't tell people what we're going through because we know people will look at us like trash, hey... we see society do it all the time. Why would we be any different? People have money, people work hard for that money, people are barely making ends meet with that money and people have families to feed- Well most... some don't have kids anymore... too costly, too much of their time....

Nowadays,some homeless aren't even asking for money anymore... to be honest they just want to eat and survive. How hard can it be to give them something you just bought. Sure, it might be taking a little away from your table but you just saved someone from starvation. If you're like many, you know how to shop around so that you can make ends meet. It's the way of life right now but just because it's hard for us it's even harder for others still...

We all like to live in this little bubble and pretend everything in the world is ok and it's not... We see our clean neighborhoods but go to a ghetto and see how those children are suffering. See how kids are actually dying from lack of nutrition and clothes... Sometimes we don't even need to go to a 3rd world country to see how bad people are suffering and thank goodness people do go out and volunteer and try and make the world a better place but it's not that easy.

I saw my little child's book laying around as I'm cleaning... and I see the tree... and this little boy... and I start thinking of that little boy being all of us in this society thinking we can have anything we want when we ask for it. Sure when we're young we don't know any better.. loved ones always helped guide.... It was all fun and games... love and laughter, eating and sleeping, life and shelter... And the best way to show appreciation was by giving hugs and being there...

But, as we grow new interests arise and we don't quite have the time anymore like we use to... But, we still have our comfort... we still take... And that support is still there but sadly abandoned... we don't appreciate it as much anymore... we seek gain... a family, money, house ... and we take.... but since we have nothing to give in return... we take....

Something we have embedded in our minds as a society (here) is our rights. We don't understand how other's don't have certain rights. We try and push for them to have the same but with different places and countries to be the same is almost impossible. We want everybody to be equal but we're not equal here...there's racism, sexism, discrimination, so many more issues but we turn our heads and pretend they don't concern us... we have drug addicts having kids without proper care, kids being born OD'ed, people just dying, can't afford health care, inflation, recession, no jobs, barely can afford a roof over your heads, no food in the table at least once a week. people working for minimum...

Think about what if we didn't have these rights? What would it be like? We barely have room to breath but it's our right... people think it's a right to offend people... no, it's a right to speak you mind with reason

Stop taking and taking and expecting it's your right...

Stop being so freakin' selfish world... (I mean people of the world and not all people, Americans)

I bet you, you know at least 10-20 who are depressed, suicidal, have some type of issue... most wont even tell you... (turn to your right and left, your neighbor, friend but no one is there now... Why? Because you've never taken an interest. Stop looking and pretending the world ends at the tip of your nose... Yes, many of us selfish people are depressed too but helping someone overcome might bring happiness and light to others... We can't mope around in our tears and pretend it will go away... talking to others and seeing what they're going through will actually help...

A smile goes a long way.

I'm not saying be a super... but don't close yourself to a possibility. Just make a few people smile everyday and it will go a long way...I promise!!

A smile will give hope...
Hope in society is what we need...

We need to try and prevent instead of trying to condone after something bad has happened

So many smart people walking around like headless chickens....

Sorry for the small #rant and #venting

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