Sunday, July 10, 2011

What I look for in a ...

So I wrote these back in Feb so just because I have something I've been wanting to write but it will take time and maybe tonight or tomorrow but I've been lagging on the topic because I've been lazy... but I did enjoy the read...

This is how I see basic of a potential and then some type of person bold are my new added

1. I love tall men.... I am 5'5" and 3/8ths (well I've been measured twice so I'm 5'6" or 66 inches (?))  so any person who is tall so I can wear 3-4 inch heals is perfect. A man 5'10"+ but I definitely prefer the plus. I actually lowered the height since I was meeting people less than 6ft but seriously 6'2" and up would be just wonderful for me, I don't know why... but I love the height! =D 

2. I like that he knows his limits. He knows where he can be crafty, sarcastic, funny or when to be serious. Playful or not. There at times for everything... And we must know when the time is adequate.

3. Someone who is proud of what he does. I like to hear about their job, workers, bosses... People they interact with. A person who enjoys having a conversation about nothing but is open enough to allow me to be apart of their day. What type of a job doesn't matter as long as he is happy where he is going with what he is doing...

4. Their physique- I don't care if they are slim to a lil more to love... but you know even  throughout their  body- proportioned. I am not thin... I am a curvy girl...but I don't see it in a bad way. I think I am proportioned ok...

5. Smart is a must. I love brains, nerds, wits. I love being challenged and I love being wrong but only if I am wrong. I like to be proved wrong so I can fight it to be proved right. I like a mental challenge. It's my excitement. The more they know the more I feel encourage to keep up and expand. If you talk to me and I have to look up what you say. I will more likely stick around more. (you don't know I look up stuff though, for the most part)

6. Race doesn't matter, Skin tone doesn't matter, Hair (color, or texture) doesn't matter, Eye color... I'm a sucker for green eyes but it doesn't matter, Big feet- big hands... don't matter... size wont matter.... Nothing here matters, because who they are is the important part. 

7. Personality- yea I need a stronger one. I've always been a lil shy so someone to bring out my wild side... or someone to tame the small wild side I do have. Open minded willing to have fun or willing to be a little different at times. Flexible. I do admit I will be a little dominant at times... my personality has been growing stronger... but I hope you like a small challenge after all I am Mexican. 
 As you can see many people can fit this criteria since I didn't mention age but I do find those fairly close to my age range a lot more attractive. I was born in 1985 and I'm 26 so I don't typically go for more than a year and half younger and I older that's up to be debatable but I for sure will not go for 8-9 older... I don't know I guess we all have taste and i feel the closer we are at age the more we can grow together in experiences and life. And it's not only about me being attracted obviously... he needs to fit  and still fit his ideal girl... what a challenge... I hope it can be done. And these are simple and generalized =]

P.S. Forgot to mention earlier. I love voices especially deep bass voices ;)(bonus  points) and if you can sing you gotta teach me... :)  Minor requirement... teach me how to play chess =D

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