Friday, March 18, 2011

What values do you look for in a person -friend or significant other?

In any person I encounter I always look for the unspoken law of honesty. I am usually very good at reading people but I also like to give the benefit of the doubt. I guess I want to be wrong even though I usually am notBUT I know *inside* of me that I tried.  I don't start anything to later find out that what started was based on uneven ground... it will fall and be destroyed... We all earn the right to know as we all get to know each other... A friendship never makes it past the point where you feel you can't trust them, it just doesn't happen.

Common CourtesyEtiquette... be mindful of what you do and how it can affect others... Hey if comeplete strangers can still hold a door for you as you're running to the same store, or building why can't a friend or significant other.. not only male... ladies... you too... Stop being so bitchy or moody and hold the door as a guy(or girl) juggling a baby, and a diaper bag and trying to get errands done. Be mindful and courteous...People don't realize how others struggle until they have the opportunity to be in their shoes and then they think they're the only people in the world who "have had it this hard" No! Everybody struggles but you were too selfish to notice!

Love in their hearts! -- Sometimes people have been too hurt to notice that they hurt others.. I am sorry I can't be your friend if you're feeling low all the time that you try and bring me down... but I will be there for you and do my best to help you cope with the situation but if you don't try... hey I'll help you... there's the balcony... *jk*... but I will love you until the moment you push me out...

I will never do anything to burden you with my  issues but if I come to you it means you mean something for me and I don't go to anybody ever. If you brush me off in the few instances that I have really needed a friend, and I found my self in a predicament ... you finish the story...

I always expect you to be who you are and stop pretending... I know the real you. I am who I am and figured that it will never change. Don't expect me to change because I am who I am... I am not. We'll accept each other and learn from each other.

I'll respect your space and you respect mine... I don't expect you to be at my beckon call as I can't expect you to be... it isn't that easy. There are priorities in life and order for anything to work both must always understand each other...

Respect!! I will always respect me... but don't degrade me... "I may talk slow, but it don't mean I'm stupid!" 

This for all: if you mean something to me...I will always do what I can to help you if it's in my hands...Unfortunately, it's not always possible but know that everything for  possible was tried... Don't test me to fail...I hate being tested when they know I am going to fail... I will try to do the impossible but if it's not impossible don't try to make me create miracles... (they wont ever happen for the expecting)

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

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