Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is or was your favorite subject in school and why?

Let's see my favorite favorite subject was music theory... I guess since very little my dad started teaching me a little about the theory in music so when I actually took it as a course it felt a lot more natural than some. Just like laws the theory of music consists of the way that music was written and why those that are famous in music are geniuses.  The theories are pretty based on what they wrote during those times. I enjoyed it because it just made sense. When we had the opportunity to analyze the music it just felt as second nature... now the 2nd fav subject and most cliche to fav subjects for people is Psychology... I know it's one of the most active majors in country and I guess we all like it because we start finding something a little about ourselves and those around us...  When we learn the theories under which people are based everybody just makes so much more sense... we even learn that everything is a homornal change... or any chemical inbalance that our body has which can mal function and lead to types of depression... or low endorphans.... which leads into what bology is and how we were made .... genertics... and so on...

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