Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why is it that sometimes we go to friends because we think they will help us out and be there holding our backs in case anything happens. Sometimes we trust unconditionally but is it  really unconditional? Sometimes we just want to hear what we want to hear and is it ever? Well in my case it never is... There have been a few times that I have trully gone to friends so thatthey can help me sort out things and help me feel better but I never get the consolation I crave.  I guess it's good to have honest friends but let's face it if we're are going to them to begin with we know the truth and we are seeking for help. Sometimes when they say something like you need to start that addiction... ok thank! The fact is that when people go to people it's because they know something is wrong and they don't need anybody else to let them.

SO why is it that when friends see you so anxious they say... You can tell me anything. We're friends; I don't judge you. Is that really the truth. I sadly think it's not because most of the time things change. They look at you in differnt eyes. Almost and somtimes as if you discipable. My question are there really frienda out there that don't judge or try to find reasoning in the things you have done in your life you're sometimes ashamed of.

If we have things we obviously cannot trust ourselves or our friends what do we do... What do we do to take it off our chest when no one can be trusted not even your own self.  You know you can't trust yourself when you find yourself wanting and aching to release it all... You still manage to hold it in but for how long? You  know most of the time it's not even anything jeoperdizing to any one but to your self , you're caged. Caged in your own life that no one knows about. When can you trully be your self and still be happy without being judged. Even those you love or love ou judge you the most. Where is the love if you have to change to be happy?

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