Saturday, June 4, 2011

I know you're going through some tough times

Oops I keep getting a day behind on his... :/ This is actually suppose to be Yesterdays.... ugh! Don't worry this 30 day letter challenge is almost done with...

Day 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times


I know you're going through some hard times. I hear it, I see it and frankly I feel it. I'm sorry if I have been one who has taken a small toll on it and all I can say is sorry. You've heard me say it enough and I don't think you believe me. But, I can't change anything. Besides that, I know you've been having some hard times. I know you don't say anything but sometimes you don't have to. Times are bound to get better but stay positive. You have my support but I can't help if I don't know. I know I can't be there but I can do my best to cheer you on but you need to be a lil less distant. I just want you to be honest so that I can do what I need to help. I hope you feel better.


Day 1 - Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the mostDay 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could beDay 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or badDay 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

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