Saturday, June 18, 2011

have you ever felt this?? head pressure...

I get two pressure points on the back of my head, they're pretty parallel to each other... like midway of my skull (speaking in between from forehead to my neck in the middle) one pressure is on the right side and the other is on the left. They're starting to happen more often. It's not like everyday often but in the last 2 months or so I've had them like 3 times at least. The only way I get relief is to apply a lot pressure simultaneously so I press with my both hands until it minimizes... it takes a very small while. Does anybody else get that or something similar? Or do you know someone who has that happen to them? Or anything would help....
But, I know some of you will tell me to get that checked out and I really appreciate that but I wish it were that easy. I'm trying to see if anybody has had it happen to them, then relate and see if it's something imperative. I truly wish I can go sometimes but the fact is that I can't afford it... so i'm keeping it simple. It doesn't worry me... if I worried about everything that happens within, I think I would be more miserable taking so many meds at this point. I don't even take pain relievers for that matter...  *shrug*
I don't know causes it, it  can be stress... but it's happened in moments of excitement, happiness, sadness too... so I don't know...
Hope someone out there can help me...

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