Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Well today seems like a better day yet still a little unsure but My grandpa woke up today. So so far, it's a good start. Yesterday everybody was worried it was going to be his last hours with us but only God knows. Either way he has his eyes open and he is talking. Although, my aunt told my mom that he didn't recognize but hopefully he will recognize later on. My dad didn't have work today so he just left to go see his dad. Last night we were all talking to him and hopefully he listened to us and he awoke expecting us there. I know my dad had a private talk with him which he usually doesn't because he is so reserved but it never hurts in any way. Last night as I was leaving I gave him a good night kiss since we always kiss to leave and he was so cold... but I had to give him a kiss good and give him a message also. I whispered in his ear that he was going to be ok and that my cousin Vicky says she loves him. Seeing him just laying in him bed without response was tormentingly sad and I know especially for my grandma since she is still sleeping in the same room. My grandma at 75 has to be strong. I remember when my other grandpa died in 1993 and my mom went to mexico for everything. My mom brought my grandma so she wouldn't be reminded every second of the sadness and loneliness she would feel at her house. And I know if anything happens to my grandpa now my grandma would have to move around a little so she wouldn't just be thinking a lot. And she told me yesterday she would come to my house for a while for the same reason. She knows that she is going to have to leave my aunt's house for a while because she is going to remember too much. *Sigh* Well I am going to go see him tomorrow and hopefully he will be full of life like he was on monday night. He was probably very tired from monday and he needed a long rest. My aunts had said that he had fullfilled everythingi he had asked for and that's why he wasn't waking up yesterday. First he needed to see all my aunts and uncles that were here in the states which all came except 2 from Mexico. And also he had asked about his oldest grand kids because there for a few bad things that has separated the family. Those cousins came  Sunday and Moday and again another of his wishes fullfilled. There were just a few things that needed to be finished so he would be satisfied. I just pray that he has the strength for tomorrow so we can give thanks and if anything be all together as family on what may be his last thanksgiving.

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