Monday, August 15, 2011


So I kind of work... and well last year I didn't get paid because I didn't have money to finish what I had to do which were expenses the program I work for said they were going to cover... Which obviously they didn't so I didn't and well it's my fault... but where do you get money when there is none and you're supposedly working towards getting paid, right...
So I paid for fingerprints last year which I was suppose to get reimbursed... I got them done in October of 2010... and I still haven't seen the money...there's a second part to it I just hope I don't have to repeat the finger prints because I'm already angry I didn't get paid last year...
I got this check on Wednesday... After 10 months plus waiting ...which  is suppose to cover I guess my "volunteer work for both summers" don't get your hopes up it's also a reimbursement and suppose to pay for the other step...for the amazing amount of 300...This is when you kind of give up on the passion you once had in teaching... I can't even cash it because for some reason....  They put Rose on the check... I far as I've know the teacher, he's known me for 12 yrs. he didn't write it but there is no Rose in the organization... Now, I don't go back for a week or 2 and they still haven't complied with my demand for my minimum requirement of students...
Am I being picky? No...
I live and hour away and with gas prices... It's not worth. I live in the high desert. I've looked for jobs here... and negative... I love what I do, I hate the pay... If I could do that all day i would. But, I'm really losing hope there. I guess it's my fault. Who in the world majors in their passion and then a year after you find out there is no work.
I guess I should have thought this through because I went to college. *sigh* You never think that a dream just leads you to a debt hole... you think a dream leads you to marvelous things... Well I'm calling it, BS....
My dream backfired... and I have to look for another interest... so I can keep mu love of music and teaching as a hobby and not a job.
Here goes to finding something and probably hating it with a passion....

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