Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Horrible day

horrible day today. I had to carry my son to school and to his class. But, he promised he wouldn't tomorrow.
I got him to do all his week assignments yesterday and today... so My job is done. I signed all the paper work and he needs to turn it  in. All that needs to be done is reading...
Trip is tomorrow yay... even though every time I've left him crying in school... I can't help but cry on my own for a few hours, I think we're doing progress.. He's started to realize he needs to go. And once he stops crying I will feel less guilty... My gullibleness leads me to feel guilty for no reasons... I know he needs to be there and it's good but when I see him crying and kicking and screaming he doesn't want to be there, it makes me doubt. But, he'll be fine, we all went through it. I remember Kindergarten but I never  cried. I remember seeing kids cry though and I never understood.
I promised me he was going to be good though and wasn't going to cry... I brought him a lil bribe... I hope it works or somebody better start praying for my dad and brother because they're going to need something... :/ jk I'm sure they can handle it. He's just attached to me since I'm mommy and well it's just us too... we're all we got... even though it's not true... but family wise we're just 2...
Thanks for reading my venting while I cope with changes as I gear towards my trip which BTW I'm leaving tomorrow.

I don't know what to expect. I'm excited yet worried... I'm me being a mommy... And I'm worried about someone else too but I'm sure he's in great hands. I hope we get in talk soon.
So yeah, I'm done... hopefully after this trip my brain gets a little new life and I can come and write something worthy rather than my boring venting... but even if I come back to venting... what's it to ya?

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