Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today being my son's official long day at school from 9-3:15 i'm actually feeling from anxiety mixture of emotions. We were told to drop off our kids in the drop off area and a teacher was going to take are kinder kids to the breakfast area and then their class... We don't know where the areas are we weren't shown. We were just told to drop them off and that's it. When we go today... They open the gates and we have our kids there and the teacher there she said she knew nothing about that or what was going on... all 3 kinder classes' parents were told the same thing and even the office told parents not to worry and then this happens. I'm sure he's fine but it stresses me out a bit. It's hard enough he hardly likes to go with people he doesn't know and then suddenly he's in a big school and the people who are suppose to be in charge have no clue what's going on. Kindergartners don't know where they're suppose to go much less how it comes about... The thought of him going on the bus by himself, just reconfirms the idea that it wasn't a good idea to start. I prefer taking him to "another responsible adult." I hope this doesn't happen again... I know the school got one complaint for sure today... I guess it's the mother in me worried for my little one. I know he'll be fine but I guess it's also some anger.
Which makes me feel more insecure and stressed from going to DC next week. I'm going to be gone wednesday, thursday, and friday. I'm not saying that my bro or my dad are incompetent they're just more careless and don't pay attention to detail. I thought I was going to be done leaving and right now I'm not feeling the trip... thank goodness I cancelled the extra week I was suppose to be gone... I would be regretting that right now.

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