Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thursday afternoon/early evening there was a "welcome back to school" event at the little garden the elementary school has. They gave out backpacks for the first 100 kids in line that were going into the school. It's nice they did that since they are requiring all kids to carry back packs.
One of the nice things we got to see in the garden they have there is the plants they have growing... so many spices, and strawberries, lettuce, onions and so many others... it's nice to see what they have there....
They also had this Super Hero there.... "Super Nutricia" and she was giving a little magazine to the kids. I read it to my son that evening and he saw all the bad guys... there was 5 ... one was some pizza slice, a cupcake, fries, soda, and a couch potato (sofa)  ... those aren't their evil names, well couch potato is. Anyways, I read it to him and then at night he wanted to eat something... everything was junk food according to him.
Yesterday, friday.... my mom and I had to leave all day running errands. We left at like 10am and didn't return home until past midnight long long day... not fun when you have a headache that starts at the back of your head right above your spine and radiates triangularly outward into your head... I applied pressure did massages on my own but it wouldn't go away.
So it was like really late already, my son stayed with my dad. My son wouldn't have lasted on that long trip. So my dad calls me and in a scolding voice asks me, "Where did Danny get the idea that all food is junk food?" He's a picky eater or he never wants to eat what is there even after you list everything and all the possibilities that we can make.... You have to tell him one thing for like an hour and then maybe he will decide that is ok. My dad isn't very patient. Since he never really watched us when we were little, he's not working and we have things to do, he actually gets to spend time with my son. Parenthood isn't easy anymore, I can tell by seeing his reactions but sometimes he doesn't get it how I struggle. So, when he called me last night because my son didn't want to eat. I told to hand him the phone and well Danny was too tired to want to talk... there was nothing I could do I was an hour and half drive away at it was 9 pm already. When I got home my dad was tired yes but Danny was asleep. So I asked him if Danny ate after and he said no...  I told him I would take Danny to the store the next day and see if there is something he wants. So he tells me he did that and he didn't want anything... so he came out with a toy... yes, A Toy.  That sounds like yummy food.
Lol,anyways... yes, all food is junk food. And suddenly everything is harder. Haha, love it.  Well on the bright side hopefully he understands he needs to eat all his veggies. But, he also thinks tomato is junk food... convenience, I think so. So, last night we brought my little cousins with us too so Danny will have playmates but we're going to a birthday party of a friend of mine, her little girl turns 5 and will go to the elementary that my son was suppose to go to, where my bros went to...So today will be a nice day as well... catching up with 2 of my oldest friends that I met when I moved to Fontana, 2 former clarinet players =D The long years of separation but the strong bonds remain and well motherhood ties.

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