Monday, August 15, 2011

son in school and my trip

I can't believe how fast this trip has come around. I can't believe my son is school, in fact, either. Well, I know tomorrow will  be a hectic day for sure. I need to start packing today. I need to lay out my son's clothes for school time wednesday, thursday and friday and probably have sets of clothes ready for when he comes home too. I'm getting him use to taking off his clothes so he cools down. I need to make sure his homework is done for wednesday, the color orange, I need him to start writing his name as homework,everyday. I need to leave special instructions for my dad and bro how to pick him up and drop him off...He has some trouble staying sometimes which makes it painful. Picking him up is the easiest. He has his first early day the day we leave so I'm sure it will be a great time for my bro to start teaching the nursery rhymes he needs to have done by friday. I know I'm going to try and cram in as much as I can today and tomorrow but it's a lot. I'm probably overwhelmed with the routinely homework assignment he has already and it's barely the 3rd full day of kindergarten but at the same time I'm quite glad because it means they're staying busy and they're learning. He still does not tell me what they do in class which is not very like. He's use to tell me a lot of what happens. To this day I don't know any kids names but he's  responsible enough to give me stuff the teacher send home with me. When I ask him about his day he just says that he can't talk in class because it's the teacher's turn. So, today I told him that he can raise his hand and if she points he can talk, but he said not that he needs to listen to what she needs to say. She must be a heck of a teacher, I think I need to bring her home so that he will have the want and need to do his homework.
I know he's 5 but I want him to learn to do everything right away. I mean I do give him a break when he comes home. After all he's in school a full day and most kindergartners I knew never had a full day as far as I knew but at the same time I guess I don't have to worry about transitioning to a longer time. I definitely don't want him to procrastinate or learn that bad habit. I know many of us do it and it's not a good habit to break.
Ok, so we leave to Washington, DC on Wednesday morning 10:41am... but we're not getting there until  like 6:30ish... I guess the good thing is we get to see a lot of the country in day light. =D My mom is going to an even there on thursday, friday and saturday... So we don't have a hotel until thursday but we'll work it out since we'll be there wednesday evening.  There's a total 5-6 ladies. So the hotel we'll be staying at wont be too out of reach. I know I'm going to be doing some exploring which I did when I went to Denver. I just walk around and get to know places. I like being on my own a lot but I don't know what this trip will entail. I'm really looking for some me time, free time, and relaxation time. Which means... I will more than likely not hang out with the crowd. I met quite a few people last year in Denver... Italian, Colombia, Turkish person... yea there were some language barriers but we tried to all communicate. People are nice. It's an international event so I have no doubt it will be fun. Well sales tax sure is cheaper there than California.
Maybe I'll take some pictures if I can... or maybe they will be locked in my memory.
This will be the last trip I will be taking in a while since my son started school, I need to prioritize his needs to his school work. And besides since my mom is ok now, I can start working. It's going to be a hard juggle trying to help my son with all his needs and working but many mom's do it. But, I don't for anything in the world want his studies to be neglected. Hard times, but accomplishing times lie ahead of us for sure. Maybe my next trip will be to Minnesota when my cousin gets married in one or 2 years of course if I can save the money.  I think life even though it has it downer moments... (and literally cried last thursday and friday... because I was worried for my son) but it can only look up from here. There's so much up to look forward to.
New life changes, routines, beautiful cramming stress... big *sigh* of relief... Everything small is falling in place... I hope that helps me fall into place also and not be so obsessive over nothing. I guess, I just like things to run my way but if they don't I freak out. I need to have order in my own way. If it's not done by me sometimes I feel it can't be done right...and so far it's been true even though sometimes I need people to learn to do it themselves so that they don't rely on me so much. My gift and my burden to others. I make a great PA but too bad I don't have the experience... all in due time I mean there would be stuff I would have to learn...
OK, too much of scattered thoughts...

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