Saturday, October 30, 2010

Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Do you believe in ghosts?

Well actually we have. It's really strange but things have always happened around my parents and mainly my dad since we were little. Similar to Paranormal Activity (the first one) when she would wake up scared bc she felt something talking to her... well most of us have woken up with such fear. Mainly one of my brothers who is going to have a kid now. He is always having nightmares and feelings of being haunted. He hears things and even sees somethings... it's pretty scary. One night my son and my dad both woke up scratched up from the right side of the face and quite similar. It was weird because they were pretty deep and my son sleeps next to the wall and he didn't leave my room... I thought it was a strange coincident. My other brother saw a little girl in his room while he was wide awake and he couldn't move... she even walked to his bedside. That was in his room in the figwood house (street in Fontana). Most of the most and stranger and frequent occurrences happened in that house... Well in that  house my dad saw a talk,, blond lady, wearing a long pink dress... After that night until the day we left he never turned off the nights...

In the house we're now my dad has seen this white thing and it was outside... he describes it quite similar to the appearance of those soul sucking ghosts that appear in Harry Potter but my dad has seen them in real life. Many times and it just happened a few days ago and it was a pretty dark night and he said they were white as light... I was wearing a white shirt and I asked him if as clear as my shirt and he said no... that my shirt looked purple and it was white distinctly...

Do we believe... yes... we do!

There is no doubt about it... to many coincidence for them not to be true... but that's just me and my fam... idk!

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