Friday, August 29, 2008

Sometimes, we, ourselves trap our own selves in a wall... a rut...
We try to make life easier for others while making it harder on your self. When you realize on the fact that it's not right because it's unbalance you try to balance your side but by that time balancing your self ends up being and unbalancing for others. It's like having your cake and eating it too.

I am literally tired of hearing no one has money. Yes, we all know that is a fact. No body has money to feed their kids... to buy milk... to live in their houses... Even a nice sit down dinner with the family is uncommon because the splurges or fight within for the lack of money...

Then we all think who in fact wants money? Well everybody. Who thinks money will make  them happier? everybody who do not know the cruelty and responsibility of having it.
Who wouldn't love to say I don't need effin money... i make enough to care for you and your family... who wouldn't?

Sadly, no one I know does... we're all poor and with this economy becoming even more poor. We once thought we had gone higher than the poverty lone well thanks we're under it again. Where are the jobs why is it that not even a college grad come even get a stupid job like in mervys or target. How stupid is that... Oh well it's because she has bad credit...
Well, what the fuck you expect if you wont hire a person to pay the debt. One is being judge by so many factors but they don't realize they can be the solution...

oh wait....

they are not getting enough customers...

Fuckin' stupid cycle of and endless bullshit.

We really need a Democrat back on office to fox this shit... more republican and this country will go down a shit hole... Sure there are going to be a few more taxes but we'll have jobs to pay them with. If we don't sacrifice we never gain.

We need change... I wasn't an Obama supporter but I was a Clinton and well there is no way I am throwing my vote to a Republican... They have shown us what can happen to the country...

I don't know about many but I found Former President Clinton's words inspiring...

I am honored to be here tonight to support Barack Obama. And to warm upthe crowd for Joe Biden, though as you'll soon see, he doesn't need anyhelp from me. I love Joe Biden, and America will too.
What a year we Democrats have had. The primary began with anall-star line up and came down to two remarkable Americans locked in ahard fought contest to the very end. The campaign generated so muchheat it increased global warming.

In the end, my candidate didn't win. But I'm very proud of thecampaign she ran: she never quit on the people she stood up for, on thechanges she pushed for, on the future she wants for all our children.And I'm grateful for the chance Chelsea and I had to tell Americansabout the person we know and love.
I'm not so grateful for the chance to speak in the wake of her magnificent address last night. But I'll do my best.
Hillary told us in no uncertain terms that she'll do everything she can to elect Barack Obama.
That makes two of us.
Actually that makes 18 million of us - because, like Hillary, I wantall of you who supported her to vote for Barack Obama in November.
Here's why.
Our nation is in trouble on two fronts: The American Dream is undersiege at home, and America's leadership in the world has been weakened.
Middle class and low-income Americans are hurting, with incomesdeclining; job losses, poverty and inequality rising; mortgageforeclosures and credit card debt increasing; health care coveragedisappearing; and a big spike in the cost of food, utilities, andgasoline.
Our position in the world has been weakened by too muchunilateralism and too little cooperation; a perilous dependence onimported oil; a refusal to lead on global warming; a growingindebtedness and a dependence on foreign lenders; a severely burdenedmilitary; a backsliding on global non-proliferation and arms controlagreements; and a failure to consistently use the power of diplomacy,from the Middle East to Africa to Latin America to Central and EasternEurope.
Clearly, the job of the next President is to rebuild the American Dream and restore America's standing in the world.
Everything I learned in my eight years as President and in the workI've done since, in America and across the globe, has convinced me thatBarack Obama is the man for this job.
He has a remarkable ability to inspire people, to raise our hopesand rally us to high purpose. He has the intelligence and curiosityevery successful President needs. His policies on the economy, taxes,health care and energy are far superior to the Republican alternatives.He has shown a clear grasp of our foreign policy and national securitychallenges, and a firm commitment to repair our badly strainedmilitary. His family heritage and life experiences have given him aunique capacity to lead our increasingly diverse nation and to restoreour leadership in an ever more interdependent world. The long, hardprimary tested and strengthened him. And in his first presidentialdecision, the selection of a running mate, he hit it out of the park.
With Joe Biden's experience and wisdom, supporting Barack Obama'sproven understanding, insight, and good instincts, America will havethe national security leadership we need.
Barack Obama is ready to lead America and restore Americanleadership in the world. Ready to preserve, protect, and defend theConstitution of the United States. Barack Obama is ready to bePresident of the United States.
He will work for an America with more partners and feweradversaries. He will rebuild our frayed alliances and revitalize theinternational institutions which help to share the costs of the world'sproblems and to leverage our power and influence. He will put us backin the forefront of the world's fight to reduce nuclear, chemical, andbiological weapons and to stop global warming. He will continue andenhance our nation's global leadership in an area in which I am deeplyinvolved, the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria, including a renewalof the battle against HIV/AIDS here at home. He will choose diplomacyfirst and military force as a last resort. But in a world troubled byterror; by trafficking in weapons, drugs and people; by human rightsabuses; by other threats to our security, our interests, and ourvalues, when he cannot convert adversaries into partners, he will standup to them.
Barack Obama also will not allow the world's problems to obscure itsopportunities. Everywhere, in rich and poor countries alike,hardworking people need good jobs; secure, affordable healthcare, food,and energy; quality education for their children; and economicallybeneficial ways to fight global warming. These challenges cry out forAmerican ideas and American innovation. When Barack Obama unleashesthem, America will save lives, win new allies, open new markets, andcreate new jobs for our people.
Most important, Barack Obama knows that America cannot be strongabroad unless we are strong at home. People the world over have alwaysbeen more impressed by the power of our example than by the example ofour power.
Look at the example the Republicans have set: American workers havegiven us consistently rising productivity. They've worked harder andproduced more. What did they get in return? Declining wages, less than¼ as many new jobs as in the previous eight years, smaller health careand pension benefits, rising poverty and the biggest increase in incomeinequality since the 1920s. American families by the millions arestruggling with soaring health care costs and declining coverage. Iwill never forget the parents of children with autism and other severeconditions who told me on the campaign trail that they couldn't affordhealth care and couldn't qualify their kids for Medicaid unless theyquit work or got a divorce. Are these the family values the Republicansare so proud of? What about the military families pushed to thebreaking point by unprecedented multiple deployments? What about theassault on science and the defense of torture? What about the war onunions and the unlimited favors for the well connected? What aboutKatrina and cronyism?
America can do better than that. And Barack Obama will.
But first we have to elect him.
The choice is clear. The Republicans will nominate a good man whoserved our country heroically and suffered terribly in Vietnam. Heloves our country every bit as much as we all do. As a Senator, he hasshown his independence on several issues. But on the two greatquestions of this election, how to rebuild the American Dream and howto restore America's leadership in the world, he still embraces theextreme philosophy which has defined his party for more than 25 years,a philosophy we never had a real chance to see in action until 2001,when the Republicans finally gained control of both the White House andCongress. Then we saw what would happen to America if the policies theyhad talked about for decades were implemented.
They took us from record surpluses to an exploding national debt;from over 22 million new jobs down to 5 million; from an increase inworking family incomes of $7,500 to a decline of more than $2,000; fromalmost 8 million Americans moving out of poverty to more than 5 and ahalf million falling into poverty - and millions more losing theirhealth insurance.
Now, in spite of all the evidence, their candidate is promising moreof the same: More tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans that will swellthe deficit, increase inequality, and weaken the economy. Moreband-aids for health care that will enrich insurance companies,impoverish families and increase the number of uninsured. More going italone in the world, instead of building the shared responsibilities andshared opportunities necessary to advance our security and restore ourinfluence.
They actually want us to reward them for the last eight years bygiving them four more. Let's send them a message that will echo fromthe Rockies all across America: Thanks, but no thanks. In this case,the third time is not the charm.
My fellow Democrats, sixteen years ago, you gave me the profoundhonor to lead our party to victory and to lead our nation to a new eraof peace and broadly shared prosperity.
Together, we prevailed in a campaign in which the Republicans said Iwas too young and too inexperienced to be Commander-in-Chief. Soundfamiliar? It didn't work in 1992, because we were on the right side ofhistory. And it won't work in 2008, because Barack Obama is on theright side of history.
His life is a 21st Century incarnation of the American Dream. Hisachievements are proof of our continuing progress toward the "moreperfect union" of our founders' dreams. The values of freedom and equalopportunity which have given him his historic chance will drive him aspresident to give all Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender,sexual orientation or disability, their chance to build a decent life,and to show our humanity, as well as our strength, to the world.
We see that humanity, that strength, and our future in Barack andMichelle Obama and their beautiful children. We see them reinforced bythe partnership with Joe Biden, his wife Jill, a dedicated teacher, andtheir family.
Barack Obama will lead us away from division and fear of the lasteight years back to unity and hope. If, like me, you still believeAmerica must always be a place called Hope, then join Hillary, Chelseaand me in making Senator Barack Obama the next President of the UnitedStates.

I know I found this a little surprising with what was said before during the campaigning but he is right we must stick together and show that we need more jobs and better futures... times are hard enough to not try and fix them now...

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