Saturday, December 31, 2011

Marriage: What is it to you?

Funny People
By Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann, Eric Bana, Jonah Hill
see related
Under Pressure (DMD Single)

see related

So today I was wondering about marriage ... yea random thoughts come to my mind.
Well as little girls it's weird how the thought of marriage gets involved at such a young age. The weird part is that even though your parents would like to have you marry at some point the thought of really thinking about it would be scary, sex haha (off track, Ooops) Ok, it's nice being so naive in life and not knowing what it (marriage) involves you just know it's something you will want one day. A husband and  [insert random number of kids], a house  but you don't know really know why you want it, it's just normal to want something like it since young.

Now, boys on the other hand don't grow up with the thoughts of being hooked into a marriage. It's probably the last thing in their minds (most or all). Boys grow up wanting other things in life, cars, and who knows what. Just having fun and doing what ever boys do. Boys when they think of girls they think "cooties" or as they get older "nagging" ... I don't know what stereotypes (or real life experiences) they have on women.

It gets to a point where 2 people start thinking about not wanting to be alone for the rest of their life while others prefer to have the single life. The thought of marriage can be so illusive but peaceful and wonderful when you have that person you think you "love"... is it "love"? Is it the same feeling or different than you have ever felt with someone else... Can you make it work? Are you committed enough to make it work from the get go? Would you let it fail or how would you prevent it from failing?
Just as many don't think about what it entitles just the feelings that come with it... and well the excitement: the unexpected of "the question" and the joy of "the ring" ... is that what your life climaxes to? To wait for someone to pop the question, for you to ask the question or to just give the answer? ("Yes, I will" etc) Many people just want that so much when they actually get into a marriage everything changes and then they whine and complain  how nothing is the same anymore...
Is that why marriage fails because you have different expectations of what life really will be? Or really because you don't know what happens after...We don't know for certainty but in your mind you should start preparing. Your dream never included that you would have to wake up early and make breakfast, or lunch, or dinner (for either party, depending on work schedule) because suddenly you needed to include someone else's agenda and not just yours... not to mention washing, dishes, cleaning, .... and what if you end up pregnant.... It happens you know... Kids... sleepless nights, poop, throw-up... what about when kids get sick and cry all night: Colics, ear infections, fevers, colds and every other unexpected thing.   I guess don't aren't part of the dream. It's where people fail because they didn't know they suddenly had to have other obligations... yes OBLIGATIONS.
I'm not married or know what a marriage is like so I'm asking how people feel about what they've grown up thinking and feeling about marriage and how you feel about it now.
So my question is: What does Marriage mean to you and why? Why get married? What expectations do you have for yourself or for your future spouse... (If your married: Is it what you expected?) Has divorce ever been an exit plan?

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