So, today like many Sundays people go to mass and the Reading was basically of Solomon. (No need for details because I know how you all feel anyways) So in the reading it talked about how God was going to grant him one thing he asked for and he asked for Wisdom.
Now, it really made me think because it was compared to a type of wish like similarity. If you were granted one wish what would you want? I was thinking and thinking ... So many people would ask for materialistic things in their one wish. money, power, immortality, more of everything they can handle... and I started thinking even more.... If I had one wish, what would I wish for at the moment? Money would be nice but it's not everything, Power- I don't want it but I know how to use it... Immortality, well I could keep trying until I get something right but I would see so many perish in my time I would end up lonely... but, I would gain wisdom through the years. Well, either way we gain wisdom through life and experience...
My one wish as belittling or as Miss America or Miss World would proclaim.... "WORLD PEACE" sure cliche and unrealistic but hear me out.
With so much chaos in this world, hate driven society, uncompromising people, to each their own mentality, lacking love and comprehension for you neighbor, stealing away goods, corruption in kids, war against each other over power, over who has the bigger d***, over materialistic none sense, there has to be more to humanity. But, that hope is in vain and I know it. Everybody tries to gain status and they screw over who ever they could just to get to the top, they give up humility to to humiliate. Sadly, it's human nature. I choose not to give up hope in people and expect what is right but the war has to stop within our own self too, before we can compromise with the person next to you and your family and the world.
So I thought "If everybody accepted, compromised, loved and understood one another we'd have world peace!!" I guess some agree while others disagree which is the main reason we don't have world peace because people are too egotistical to try and compromise. It's all over the world. It's hard within family households. How do you reach a common understanding, still promoting love and unity, understanding everybody's position so you can all compromise, and accept it... If we all started at home how ideal would we all be to show love and support for the rest of our friends, families, neighbors near by and world wide.
That is my wish, unrealistic and will never happen...Sadly!!!! But, I will hope for it!!
If YOU had ONE wish what would you wish for? (Only one, not 2, 3, or more etc)
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