So, Death has literally been on my mind since I was like 12-13 yrs old. It's something I've thought about many times and I am actually quite sure there are many people who feel the same way. We all think of it in different levels and many of us just don't know what to think. I have personally thought about it and I'm not sure what happens although I know there are spirits ghosts, call it what you like.... many in my family have seen them and we have felt the supernatural in our presence even those eerie evil feelings. I can't quite explain what they are, or what they were but the fear of having that negative energy by your bedside and you know knowing that the only thing you can do is but pray and hope it goes away... I know a lil cliche for some of you but it's true... We have lived in quite a few house and something has always happened ( I don't know if they're haunted or what that even entitles) ... but, mainly, my parents or mostly my dad are aware of it and it happens mainly to the males of the family (dad, and 2 bros in our last house and vividly and constantly) actually 2 weeks before we were going to move weird things started happening and and in the last week when my mom was in the hospital about to have surgery we had to move... those last few days we didn't spend the night there and left... I don't know why or how to explain but there was a strong presence.
I'll be honest at many points in my life I have fantasized about taking my life (which is not what I'm writing about) and I written some short stories quite similar very women misogynistic ... But I don't hate women in any form I just think sometimes some don't know how to cope with everythign (Anyways, sorry off topic and in a tangent) But, really what would scare me away was the thought of what would happen after...Do we just face death and we feel peace, is it over? Would we get punished... like is there hell, heaven, purgatory, or nothing... What happens? And I'm sure many have asked this before...
Yesterday I wrote a pulse What happens when you die? And I got a variety of answers and actually i don't think it depends on what we believe or what science says... regardless we're all going to die and frankly we'll either find out or not... Who knows. I know religious beliefs lead us to conclude something and so does none believing but that doesn't quite answer the question of what actually happens when we die... @buddy71 suggested I write a post about death and so I am and maybe I can hear more about what you actually all think...
So there is a movie which I enjoy a lot and one of my favorite I have to say... If you haven't watched it please do... there is so much there but I'm probably going to spoil it for you right now so oh well... nevermind. It's called What Dreams May Come and it actually deals with death and coping and what's real, soul mates, happiness... Most of movie actually takes place in the alternate world, what we would actually consider to be "heaven", technically, but not heaven how we would imagine being side by side with the lord or even meeting him. It's more like we die and God is still up there watching over you but it's more like your own personal paradise and what not... very beautiful I'd say and peaceful and by the way it isn't a religious movie either, just fyi ... but it does cross to what the ideals of heaven and hell which I guess it's something most have embedded into their mind and it's hard to think there is nothing after.
It does romanticed on love and soul mate and a suicide which the wife committed after she lost her kids to a crash and then lost her husband to another accident... She didn't go to heaven actually she went to hell but a different type of hell... it was interesting how they portrayed hell (there was no mention of the devil,but maybe implied idk)... like there are different levels, which what I felt about heaven but maybe I was over analyzing it, but because she was a suicide she was in a part of hell in which she didn't know she was dead but she was living through her own insanity... so basically her pucnishment was to live the rest of eternity suffering for the same reason she had already taken her life... It doesn't go into too much detail about the other parts of hell but you can definitely see the chaos and the misery...
Because I just remembered, the husband, when he died at first he didn't know or realize he was dead... he was like a floating spirit and when he realized he was he wanted to be there with her the whole time which actually caused the wife more pain because of the mourning which brings me to a blog written by @GrimRpr000 about death and his experiences "Death and afterlife" which he talked about having faced death and having and out of body experience but being brought back we don't get to see the whole picture although it's quite amazing hearing what he said... What happens if when we die we see ourselves and then continue to keep going... we're actually dead... What happens next....
So after hearing about ghosts, spirits; What do you do have to say about them? Are they "the dead" but sticking around?
Why don't we ever see family around who has passed... Is there more after death? Is there a God there or mainly we just go to an alternate world? Why would be need an alternate world? Or do we just fantasize and it's all illusions of the brain? But if they are illusions why do they happen to more people in the world? Are we Crazy? Or is there really something more that no one can truly explain?
What are you thoughts? What happens after we die?
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