I am not one to typically write about religion much but apparently in the last few months I have maybe one, once a month and everything started Lent and then shortly after talking about the doubts I have always had...Asking people advice questions and everything in between. For a small while I was even a pretty devout Catholic and I had no doubt in my mind I was wrong. I started praying more and that's when I started including my son and even helped pray with him in the middle of the night to ease his nightmares and slowly the doubts and questions have gotten the best of me. My mom says I'm depressed but pushed God more my way and I stand back...I hate it being shoved down my throat.When I believed,it was my choice not someone else.
Well she volunteered to day to have this group of people come and hold like a bible study. All the readings were based on Luke... I don't rememeber which though... it was all in spanish and my personal bible is in english. I know both languages very well but followed somewhat. At times I felt the speaker was talking to me or maybe it was because I was just staring, I don't know.
I think I remember the first one was about following God...leaving your family behind and following....leaving the dead to be buried by the dead and follow. And he gave his personal testimony of his month old baby who is in the hospital and has surgery. I know he is following god's will and all but I know even though those who believe are suppose to drop your fam in need and go do the will of god. I don't think I would leave a hungry family, a dead family member (sure I can't change the fact that they're dead) but I can still be support for all who is suffering knowing that I will be in that pain. It just didn't feel logical for god to ask people to follow him to spread the word seeing that there were things that needed their immediate attention. I don't know but it felt selfish and asking people to be selfless.I guess I don't understand very well the reasoning he would have behind it. Like yes, go grow my church and believers and leave your family,they don't need you. That concerned me. I don't remember the others but a few things mentioned did upset me pretty badly... I don't know if the speaker felt my disagreement but my look is not quick to deceive my disapproval.
They brought in the topic of abortion... (I'm all for the choice ....but the right for life... not so much into causing abortions but I'm not going to layout my belief in the matter). It was so uneducated though. He was calling others speakers hypocrites for using birth control. Um, yes we can all afford to have all the babies in the world! I don't think so. Kids are a gift but why form a none needed personal financial burden. He spoke how those people just lie to themselves and try to preach the world of God but speaking the word and doing something else is not right. He spoke how sperm is alive... (life if it was a baby already *WRONG*) - I guess this is where people need to take health and or biology to know how a baby is created. There is the simple Biology. He spoke when he saw the first ultra sound of his baby... which typically is a couple few months in and yes it's tiny and has a heart beat. But, you don't see that right when there is conception. They talk about how if you're preventing is wrong ....sure but if you have sex and there is nothing then isn't it the same thing.... There is no conception and even is there is conception, things happen and you can miscarry. It's no where near an abortion. (He also needed to say the pull-out system was an abortion but then again I wouldn't be surprise with extremists) People align things so simply and some people and their ignorance fall for that. I let them think what they want... they're older people anyways.
They spoke how this nation was Christian and how the one and only true religion is Catholicism... How money still has "God" in it and the down fall of the nation is "abortion" and "lgbt" community... which is stupid... we know the fall is far more complicated and it's all government's fault stupid people who let it happened. Anyways, I don't think they know that when US was founded they weren't Catholic... I don't know but it would be helpful but they were speaking some ignorant things ... I felt they should keep their full ignorance and I can't win.
I was seeing how people close their minds listening to others speak specially when people feel they have reason or feel some form of enlightenment. I dont' question they believe what they say but the way some things are said especially in front of someone who knows better doesn't work. And I was also the only one who hadn't lived one of their "conversion retreats" which I have no intention of going. i will not change my mind of the rights for everybody to marry and much much less about using birth control.
At the end, a man said he didn't believe in "hell" and he was attacked well attack is a little harsh but suddenly like 4-5 people started speaking to him about it... confronted... A lady gave a testimony of her nephew who has a revelation from Jesus (she did mention he was a "cholito" which is a a type of gangster and I don't wanna jump to conclusions but she didn't give testimony to the conditions to his revelation.) Apparently Jesus came to him and showed him Heaven and then told him he wouls also show him the "lakes of fire" and that he felt the heat and thesmell of sulfur ... so He told the young man he was going to let him go so he would feel... and as soon as He let him go he felt his skin peeling and falling, melting and begged for God to get him out... (I do admit, it gave me a few chills thinking about the imagery) the first person he contacted was her...His parents are Jehova Witnesses and wouldn't believe in fact they would make fun of him...
This lady was a former Jehovah Witness and has taken her 10yrs to fall into Catholicism with believe and research. She said that they are taught to stay away from all people and keep themselves closed up...They believe all other religions are a form of satanism...So they give more credit to the devil than they do of God...And the they take workshops on how to confront people about the bible. they only study specific verses to work a person over. But, they're not willing to accept questions so very closed minded. I've had like 3+ encounters ...they leave me alone. I don't close my door on people I listen ...give them my 2 cents and they leave. And nicely turn them down,politely, no need to be rude.
So yea, I learned some points of this I thought people had out grown
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