"I love you very much, dear"
"I love you more"
"I love you most"
These to me are some of the most beautiful and endearing lines I hear every time I watch "Tangled" sure I know the mother is demented and she is just manipulating Rapulzel for her own selfish needs but for a while when i use to tell my son I loved him he would automatically say "I love you more" and well of course I would say "I love you most" ....
I watched Tangled last night by myself and fell asleep crying... it always breaks my heart when I see the King and Queen right before they send off the lattern, the pain in the King's eyes breaks my heart every single time...
And not to mention my most favorite song that just warms my heart every time I listen to it, comes on next. It gives me hope and I feel love...how true musicianship can convey such feeling... And it helps that I truly think of a special someone every time that songs comes out...
I see the light <-- I couldn't get audio in here :/
Today or yesterday, my sister came over and my parents got to watch the movie for the first time. It was a nice family evening. :)
I hope you get to hear the song, even though it might not be your taste or type of music but this is how one sometimes can feel when you meet a special person that just adds happiness to your life, unexplained. I'm sure you can imagine the type of heart break you can set yourself up but "And at last I see the light and it's like the fog has lifted" ,"And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted" "All at once everything looks different. Now that I see you...." It's definitely worth any pain in the world just to see if it can ever become more. This doesn't happen often, it actually rarely happens but life has it's wonderful way of making you feel. Sometimes you just don't know how the other person can feel but you hope for the best and the development, the closeness is all worth it. The few moments you get to talk are worth a part of your world. You admit that you see more but could never tell. You suddenly the pain of the world seem so much less even though you might actually be more aware of it. But, you see the beauty and your life slowly changes.
*sigh* I know it sound like bs but it's so hard to explain. I know some of you know what I'm talking about and others will dismiss... it's ok we all feel happiness at different points in our life and some of those points we float and glow and we can't truly explain what we feel without sounding so mushy for the world. I know they don't tolerate because like many we've been broken down to dirt in our life (either that) or you don't know what it really feels like.
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