With the human race being so caught with themselves and how great they look taking matters into their own hand...We just might have War... oh wait?!!!! I think we have some those already! religious difference, trying to bring rights to others, over power.. Yes! ... I mean I admit I'm sure I would bring havoc to the world and those who ever harmed those who I loved (with justification...haha ironic right, actually that's why we have authorities doing their jobs, then again most of society think that they don't do an adequate job anyways) Oh wait, it depends where you live also, huh? What side of the tracks you live in...Yes, I know... I've lived in the wrong side, too, but seriously how many would plot and go and kill ... that would make you just as worse or worse than those people... sometimes it happens in circumstance... wrong place, wrong time... sadly, it happens. In fact, give them the death penalty sure...
But, what's worse is people who hold grudges over something so insignificant... let go...
As much as I am for the Death Panalty and bringing justice into those who have suffered with pain, loss, and all that beautiful chaos...
I am deep for forgiveness also... Odd combination you say? Well, yes, yes it is!!
S/he cheated on you... aren't you better off anyways?
S/he doesn't love you? " "
emotional, physical pain... come on people walk away get therapy and lead happy lives...
A person who certainly wouldn't mentally deal with the possibility of her life changing... hmm well she sure did better
Psycho Wife soon to be Ex-Wife <---link
(yes, I'm sure cutting away your husband's manhood might make you feel ok for a second but once you realize it's gone honey you can't reattach and I'm sure someone will notice... Is jail or a psych ward really worth this?)
Vengeance for someone wanting to leave you? I'm sure it is (raise eyebrow) ... *smh* Maybe don't forgive him but you would be happier away from him it's one of those times...You ARE ****ing crazy!!.... Omg
When we get stuck in the path and we have lost years for having crappy people in our lives... well "LIVE AND LEARN".. are you happy they're gone, no probably not but being in emotional pain forever is worth... stop thinking about them and you're alive, YAY!!! Well partially alive but that's beyond the point... (Don't hold grudge, life moves on and you'll live, I promise - Unless you do something stupid)
Death is harder to forgive or walk away from ...
I'm sure Sammay Blackwell (<---link) now knows how crazy people... yeah, being innocently confused and easily mistakable for someone sure justifies what "Bringing justice to your own hands" is and would have done and harmed an innocent. Thank you society for always telling us what is best. And justifying by thinking it was someone else...
Revenge and Grudges sure make life worth living... I guess Forgiveness is too cliche nowadays... *weigh your options*
I wont hold it against you unless you're against me...
Although, I do see many more who "talk the talk" rather than "walk the walk" which is ok in this sense but sometimes it's stupid...
Just don't take Justice into your own Hands... Hire someone... duh!!
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