So back to the reason why I was thinking about this... In wedding it's a tradition for the single women to catch the bouquet. I forgot what the real reasoning is... but I was always encouranged to catch it by my mom and her friends.
So, i broke my rule in 2 wedding I went to last year. Well one I went up but stood there and didn't try to catch the bouquet, I did it to please. Lol, I know.
And the other I had to be there. Well, i didn't have to but it was a close friend's wedding and I was a bridesmaid.
(yea, I didn't like the way the make-up artist did our make-up)
There was so many friends there... It was quite a wedding... it actually came out on the WE channel ... My Fair Wedding with David Tutera, the theme was Phamton of the opera which aired in January 2011, the second episode of the season,
lol... but anyways, yea so I tried catching the bouquet and (since I'm talking about 27 dresses, always a bridesmaid never a bride) go to on this video (again 27 dresses not the wedding) to 8 mins and like 10 seconds... you see what happens to her ...
(watch 8:10 into this movie)
Haha, yea we laugh but it actually happened to me in real life. All I remember is seeing the bouquet coming my way.
I put my hands up. I think I closed my eyes though but I caught the bouquet... felt all these hands getting it, and next thing I knew I was on the floor. But it happened so quick that the girls got me on my feet fast. I had my eyes closed until I was up... it was strange being on the floor with a bouquet of roses I admit... haha!! Good times!! Rose pedals everywhere from the bouquet.
Yea, that bouquet got damage.
That day was very special for her and I caught the bouquet which I still have. Her theme, the masks, chandeliers,
The roses...
It was a magical night. I had so much fun I even forgot that a few days I had been in tears. This night was very hopeful for romance and seeing the way my friend had been together for 10 yrs and finally tied the knot and they're still sweet as ever. A couple like that even though they have their hard times.... they always try their best to keep it all together. I admire them.
*sigh* Romance can be so precious...
Does anyone have a story about their experience catching the bouquet? Has anybody heard what the catching of the bouquet's signification really is?
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