Anyways, it's something I needed to let out because right now I can't right think. Well I can think but ... I'm still blank. There is so much I want to say but to him I don't care about anything else right now. My mind is flooded but regardless of my concern there are great things happening. I guess to begin one of the great things I look forward to is yet another move but this time a bit more definite. We're moving from the high desert and even though I learned to love it and especially the wind there just isn't any jobs up here and a commute would be more costly than the one I'm already making.
I got a call from the district to finish my one requirement to work this year since I didn't get paid last year which is ok... I'm with terms it was my fault for not having money to make money. My mom's case is over so if we move the job hunt sure will be easier and you bet I'm going to bombard myself with work and work and work so I can save money and be able to spend money after 4 years plus of limits.
My small debt collectors are finding me which is great I can take care of business soon and let it be over with and life has the biggest potential for it to be great again just as it once was...
Anyways, I guess I just need to write a little... but I'm just here to post some pics...
I took a pic with my camera but none gave justice like this one on my phone. We were on a water taxi on the Potomac River coming back from Alexandria.
The hotel in the evening light ... very beautiful.
A view from the Convention center.
This is inside the Hotel, so beautiful and peaceful.
Taxi driver left us right in front of the Washington Monument
One of the small goals was to get here... =D
We're so close ...
United State Navy Memorial
At the beginning on the walk the sky was blue and clear. Can you see the sky now? Dark clouds =D
We're down the street walking towards it and ...
We couldn't make it close... it started pouring. I still wanted to wait until the rain stopped a bit and keep walking. I wanted to walk the maybe 2+ miles to the Lincoln Monument but some people got us a taxi and ended up not being able to keep walking. We were soaked anyways... walking a few more hours wouldn't have made a difference except see beautiful DC in the glowing with light, night time.
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