My eyes... To me, besides my son, they're the only thing I like....
not that I'm falling apart because suddenly something new happens but they happen to be weird because I'm not use to things acting up...
Anyways, My eyes...
for a couple weeks at least when I would wear eye liner or so I think (because I haven't tried just wearing mascara to see if that happens) but they suddenly become to produce a thicker liquid and some stuff in it so I'm constantly trying to put eye drops and clean my eyes ...
They're very irritable... So I went a couple of weeks without any make-up. I usually try not to not wear make-up but I did try my best to not try and make it seem like I'm trying to be haggard on purpose...
I know the rule is that we're suppose to try regardless because then we look sloppy or something like that is the shpiel I hear boys or guys or men talk about women.... to either make us be more self-conscious or because they're so perfect themselves...
My eyes are blood shot red... my eyes are irritated
unlike when my kidneys hurt my eyes actually worry me... if this persists I will have to go to an eye doctor or something.
I don't quite remember when but after high school and beginning of college I did use a little bit of glasses it wasn't too bad though. I just could see the street names when i was driving the lights were a blur but I know I could see fine well it was annoying so my right eye was -.50 and my left -.25 so not too bad but taking vitamins I got back to 20/20 and I seen my glasses here and there and have used them when my eyes are tired but at first after a while were too strong. I don't think I need glasses but my eyes have been worn now... They're exhausted and I can't explain why. For a while I thought it was because I was using the internet a lot so I've minimized a lot in the last month and a half. In fact I I think I've even pushed people away because lately I wont really talk to anyone... I use to be a little social online but I'm not anymore I just wont log on to chats... :/ I've gotten more involved with my family at home but a lot to myself still.
My mom has been telling me that I look more pale and that she just sees me tired... I don't know what to say. Sometimes I'm just tired so I tell her and she just says, "I know!" She use to blame the computer but I'm less on it.
<End of meaningless rant>
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