I was reading a blog on datingish Why I will not date people with kids a few days ago. Well it's refreshing to know that there are people who still feel that way. It's certainly a right people have to find a person who doesn't have a child and together form a family. It's a very sweet thought.
Unfortunately for some of us... we can't day dream of that... and to be honest I feel what you're saying. I would myself prefer a person who doesn't have a family yet but I know like in my situation things happen. It's just another factor to add. I'm not closed to the other option of a partner that has children but given my situation I guess it's something I can't be too picky on even though I wouldn't prefer it. I think with the life I've had someone who would want to start over with me without out a family would be perfect. For me, it's already complicated being a mom...And it would be more so you being a dad. It's easier for one to have a child than both in some cases but it does depend on the people. I get what you mean about a baby's dad... I guess many people aren't as fortunate as I am with no drama or if we have arguments it's between us and it shouldn't bring down those around us but the public doesn't know.
It's a part of life. I would say that if you find a person who is reasonably able to work out with their kid's mom or dad in a relationship then you should be fine. Sure there are problematic people out there and I sure hope you don't find those people but even they deserve a chance of love. It's a sacrifice that sometimes needs to be done or like people will do ... just don't date people who have kids... Can you really help who you fall in love with? I know I can't... but it's a risk of heartbreak worth the taking.
One thing being a single mother and with thoughts about dating...
Guys, You will never come first... Sad, but true. If she is a mother and a somewhat good one for that matter please don't get your hopes up and think that we will put you above and beyond any children including those we may have with you ...
Don't get me wrong. We will love you as much as we love ourselves yes and sometimes if you're lucky maybe a little more or a lot more but just as we sacrifice ourselves (which means we love ourselves enough to come 3rd in our eyes) you can come second if you deserve it but children will always come first.
Oh and if you try, try and have something in common with kids... it will make life easier for all...
If you can't handle that, don't try. You're wasting your time.
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