I do have to say though when I went to the University I went to one which was predominantly white, all the people were great and I never felt like an outsider or the need to join a Latino group or a minority group, I did what I could to fit but I did see a lot of friends struggle instead of adapting which always made me sad. I know what it feels like being the only mexican and female in a crowd of 100+ , having my personality I will say I felt a little rather odd especially when I feel I don't fit but I make the best of the situation but school gave me comfort and security. Now where I live now, it's hardly liberal... very very conservative. I actually feel awkward at times even when I go grocery shopping... it can be my imagination... or is it? I guess it's a time when I'm finally happy we're moving back to what I know has been home since June 1998. Don't get me wrong... I love it here, the beauty of the high desert, the wind, the cold evenings, the fresh air, the view of the mountains, the long drive down. I love the house we have here,the space... But, the eyes of people staring... or am I going crazy... but I've lived here for like year and a half and those staring eyes should have ideally stopped but nope. Maybe I'm paranoid...
Anyways enough of my tangent so I took my mom to the bank. And while I was there my son started crying because he was hungry. He had just gotten out of school. I was just looking back to talk to him and reassure them that it was a quick stop so a white car pulls up next to me and parks. I did a double take when I saw this man... he was wearing this bandanna ↓
I was curious so I think I kept somewhat looking while still trying to calm my son. I think he felt my brief stares... lol but what's not to look at especially when you notice what he's wearing on his head. I think he had a bad day because he looked rather upset. So I know he looked my way a few times... And then he went into the bank...
I get bored to I just look around and play with my phone. But, since I can't do much with my phone (only in that area- poor service) I just look distracted. So, I look into cars ...
So I was looking into this guy's car who just happened to go into the bank and since he was already wearing a bandanna with many confederate flags... I just stopped thinking about it... out of sight, out of mind until I see what he had hanging from his front mirror. It's a little noose... I don't know and I didn't want to jump into conclusions but I found it oddly funny. (oh yea, and that's the picture of his car, I took... it was too good to pass up of a pic. I almost took a pic of him as he was sitting but I thought that would be too obvious)
I can't assume anything (even though you know what I'm inferring , I think) but what would you think... *shrug*
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