When I was in college I remember our band director had a home in Florida which was hit by a hurricane and he had to leave us for a small while to fix it ... I'm sure it wasn't a major loss but nonetheless it was hit by a hurricane. I know many people have had experiences, losses of homes and I hope not many have lost family...
How do you prepare for a hurricane?
Last week as we were passing by Denver, the Airport had quite a few tornado shelters so I started thinking... Well I've never experienced anything close to a tornado and even though in the high school where I teach music they've had a few tornado warnings... I never took them serious here in California. All I really know of a tornado is from "twister" lol. Sure I've seen some try and develop here but they just never have... it's never been something I've concerned myself with.
How do you prepare or what are some safety tips for a tornado?
With, the recent hit of an earthquake in the east coast... I'm glad that I came back from the DC area on Sunday. But, I've grown up with earthquakes and to me they're not a big deal. (to me) I still see people freak out even though they've experienced them for part of their world but you just never know how they're going to hit... I somehow feel more weary going such a long time without an earthquake than feeling the ground rumble and shake here and there... It's a comfort of knowing it's happened.. (I don't know why, I guess it's something I don't fear.) yes, Earthquake do cause a lot of chaos... but now we've found out what natural disaster doesn't....
I remember when we were younger in school they would always have us prepared with a lot of water and foods that would last a long time in case something happened during the school year... it sure was a treat when we would get our goody bag at the end of the year...
But, What would you recommend as a safety procedure during an earthquake or to have prepared for after?
One thing for sure is stay away from anywhere things can fall on top of you so a doorway would be safe, no trees, or electric lines, have a safety route to a safe place out of your home just in case.
The worst one in my mind not that these other ones are any less would be a volcanic eruption. I guess my fear of burning alive just gets the best of me ...
So, if I had to pick one... I think I would stick with the earthquakes that happen in California and the one that would that I would never want to experience is a volcano...
If you had a choice of one, which one would it be and why?
And which one would you least want to experience and why?
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