See, I don't know how the dating world works or how people date but I never consider a person until I at least know a little minimum about them. Talking and getting to know is better and has always been my first step and probably where I go wrong or right depending on how you see it. I've never been on a blind date or gotten fixed up... Hmmm... Maybe, that's why many people are single now, people don't lend a hand in helping you set up a nice date. Lol, just kidding... I wouldn't like the people who I would get set up with (or who knows, right?!?!).
I know we all look for certain characteristics in people to date or not date... even if it's to consider them for the first date.
1. The first thing I ask about is what they do and why they love what they do (or rather hate what they do) ... I don't care what a person does as long as they're happy... I just want to know they have some passion for what they do and/or what they've learned. The reasoning beside everything is in what they say.
2. I really pay attention how gentlemen speak about their mother and sisters.. A teacher once told me that if you pay attention to how guys treat their mother and sisters, you would get an idea how he would treat you. (there are exceptions but rare). I took that to the bank and I can't forget about it. Respect is very important. And family is also important.
3. I really pay attention to the way they use their brain: Problem solving, intelligence, etc.. the way they think and analyze different subjects and issues which we will talk controversial to see where you and I stand. A nice intelligent conversation can tell me whether you can stand being in the kitchen. If they have more than just a HS level education (for my personal preference but then again I know very intelligent people who didn't go to college so it's depends on the person) they would understand my positions in many topics so much mind, rather than still thinking in a different mentality. But, I can agree to disagree if you stand by your case in a smart way rather than just saying... "well I don't like that, and I don't agree" then that just says that you're closed minded and we just might argue a lot which I'm not going to tolerate.
4. I forgot to mention a "nice guy", romantic and chivalrous is a plus (but optional) Now a days guys are afraid to express they are nice guys... I guess some girls are put off by it, I'm not. I don't mind emotional but just don't tell me you cry in every movie. If you can cry more than me it's too much... and I'm emotional I just try not to show it that much. I've been taught guys hate to see girls cry and I agree. Although, I find it adorable to see a guy cry here and there.
Those are the first things I notice in a male to consider for the first dates (if these up there aren't met, I have a feeling compatibility wont occur) then come physical features (but, those on the top pretty much trump so much in my personal taste to physical attraction. You can be the cutest and hottest person but if the shoe doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. I will go until I find the right pair of shoes.) oh, As long as they're taller than me, that's the only thing height because I want to wear heels sometimes.
So what characteristics do you look for in a person to even consider them to go out on one date? or to even talk to them?
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