DC was fun except for some adult ladies wanting me to hold their hands and baby them... I guess I love how me trying to teach and make people more independent of themselves like deleting their own pictured they take because they want to take more -stop filming on camera- (because I want to enjoy my time taking pictures and sight seeing) means that I'm selfish, and conceited and I don't like helping people. I guess it's a price to pay when I accommodated their flies to sync with mine and my mom's and we allowed them to use the room and I even bought some of their tickets, did the speaking, helped them checked-in and their luggage into the airport and paid for everything first just to get reimbursed. Yea, I kept tallies of money because mine was limited and that wasn't considered... so anyways... enough of the negative of the trip... I loved it but it's not why I'm writing...
Besides the trip being beautiful and relaxing and something I definitely needed... Things just happen in the real world.

Last weekend on Sunday, we went to a birthday party for a dear of mine who I met through I friend. Well, her mom a dear friend on my mom who had gone through some tough moments in life wasn't there. She was hospitalize. She suffered from anemia and her biggest worry was her husband and his drinking. After my mom had her accident, this friend had gone to Mexico where she also had an accident (my mom and her became closer in understanding) where she was hospitalized for quite a while, she was in coma and even broke her legs, She also had a liver transfusion, and lost family members in that crash. I believe it was caused by a drunk driver. Well Sunday was her older grandkid's birthday Carlitos turning 4 yrs old and she couldn't be there. I know she was missed, she always has this beautiful presence. She was to return home in a couple days her daughter told me. She wasn't feeling good and there was complications. I found out Friday morning that she passed away thursday night.

There are no words to explain how I feel her family. She looked so young but you just never know when it's your time to go.But, many of my thoughts and prayers go out there to their family and the loss they have and pain they feel.
Another note, My comadre (God son's mom) just had her baby today

and she named him andrew unfortunately he was born 12 weeks too early

. He weighed 2.2 ounces but since the hospital he was born in isn't equipped for premature babies... He has been transferred to a hospital like 1 1/2 away.

it's not good. Mommy was doing okay at first and then she started losing a lot of blood. She's had a blood transfusion of like 3 of those bag (I don't know how much there is in there)... So she's in intensive care in the hospital and her baby is in another. Talk about not being able to really see or hold your baby. She was only 28 weeks pregnant but there are many complicated issues in her life that just caused too much stress. The doctors were going to do a C-section but they must have induced her and she had a natural birth. I'm very worried for her. The 2 kids will be a handful. My Godson just turned 8 months today,the same day his little brother was born. 2 kids under a year will be tough but I will help what I can with my godson especially now. The thing that makes me a little sad for her is that she doesn't have the support right now from her bf. things got complicated, there was a confusion and he was thrown in jail. He has a DUI and suspended license so he doesn't drive. A cop came to their house and took him saying that he did a hit and run... and the paper work filed stated he was caught drunk driving and was taken into custody but that was a lie because he was picked up from home. She was stressing and got him a lawyer... SO they told him to deny the charges since they could fight them because it's a web of lies...but when he had his hearing because the lawyer was completely set against the will of all his family members he pled guilty complicating the case. And now, the bail would not be able to be waived. All that over her shoulders and 8 months after getting out of a bit complicated pregnancy, she has another bebe and premie.
Sometimes things happen in life and we can't even prepare for them. So much unavoidable pain. We all make the best and try and lead happy lives.
I do worry a lot of people. Not all people but those I care about a lot I do. There are some of you I consider friends and I care about your well being and how you are. Life is too short to not appreciate. I love some of you. You mean a lot and I hope you know that.
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