When it comes down to religion there will always be certain topics that always become touchy. It's something that many hold dearest to their heart as it's something they've grown up with, and more than likely will want to pass down to their children.
Frankly, I can also imagine holding such beliefs will also lead to handling the mockery which comes hand in hand with our beliefs. Which if your indoctrinate your children they will also have to face, with a more neo-systematic kind of way. I know in no way am I as conservative as my parents were but I'm the child who was raised the most conservative of the 4 , being the eldest.
In my Catholicism as a child, maybe I did not think much of it since probably the majority of kids in my class were hispanics and Catholic for that matter but it came in when I was in high school. I didn't realize but even though I had the majority of friends who were Catholic some were growing up and had parents who were converting. Obviously they were having different mind sets and passing them to their children which is what all parents do. "Dios te va a castigar si se portas mal!" like trying to change their morality by saying, "God will punish you, if you do bad" So kids would listen in order to be in good terms.
For most of my life, I was always comfortable with my religion since no one ever opposed it... Until high school... I think the most offensive thing I felt was when Christians [- Do not know their denomination - since I just looked into it and realized there are so many... but they just called themselves Christians (like being Catholic wasn't Christian) anyways... ]They were always bashing on the "Virgin Mary" and I didn't understand why... they would call her a "whore" and different ugly names and then their method was to invite me and my other friends to their church
Last night a post was written by a rather good friend Krisko (aka GodlessLiberal) "What Mormons Believe" I know he wasn't trying to be offensive but matters always get taken out of proportion. We, people, are fickle and get offended easily. But, of course that specific community is in awe and I could sympathize with how I felt when I was in high school being down talked about my religion.
I've known Mormons from high school and have even had the privilege to meet a great guy on here also a friend Ray (TrainTrack) a very kind, sweet hearted person, who always cares for others and tries to uplift them in times of need... We have had many discussions when it comes to Mormonism- their customs, family values, life. He wrote a post last night "Why the Mocking?" When one has already the pressure of life and you're trying to lead a way of God unlike so many different religious sectors it becomes almost innate for people to try and defend their religion. And quite honestly most have already done so for most of their life that they don't have to anymore. Maybe what we can do is be more accepting of everybody (which I know, I know... we're online and we're all more liberal- the likeliness almost impossible) but maybe tolerable of each other. We're all adults and know how to be humble as long as one doesn't go attacking the other... But there are differences between personal attacks and a general attack of belief.
I love hearing about religion the good and the bad in general because religion and controversial topics make life interesting. But, I have also talked to a priest in the past and he said whether people believe or not, that we can all "be saved"... so it's not only about believing, it's being general good to ourselves and the world. I know there are always arguments when it comes to which religion is the true religion but I have found out that we all belief where we feel the most comfort, where we all feel at home... But,something I've asked myself in the past, "Shouldn't God be happy we follow religion period?" Since, people will never truly know which religion is the true one, ever... and even if "the Lord" came to tell the world there will still be skeptics... I say we all have tolerance for each other and show TLC to everybody.... sure I may sound a lil delusion but showing everybody love sure makes the world a better place!!!!
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