Geez.... I was just trying to think of how many open accounts I have online... sometimes too many to keep up
1. Obviously Xanga... haha
2. Facebook
3. twitter although I made private just recently just for experimentation
4. myspace (we all know it's dead) I haven't logged on to mind in ages... I actually just went to the Url... I didn''t delete it because it look me such a long time to get it to how I wanted it ... I just looked at my page... there is a lot of crap that I never put there... very sad!!!! I hate you myspace...
5. Myheritage which is where I've worked on my family tree...
I had a friendster and high5 (deleted those)
6. photobucket
7. Blogger
8. Tumblr which I created right now... I sold to the temptation of people having it... I guess I'm taking my time to learn this one too...
oh yea ... I also have a
9.Livejournal which I hardly use... I started using blogger instead of this one... thought it was easier...
10. youtube
11. Ebay --- paypal different? it's been forever!
I think I must have something with google too... I don't know... I mean I had completely forgotten about youtube...I feel like I must be forgetting something else...
not to mention my messengers:
Aim/Facebook chat (I linked them)
Blackberry messenger
(and you wanna know the sad part of all of this... I only need my computer to use Xanga... everything else I can manage on my blackberry )
even like like 7 email accounts...
Yea, I know... that's way too much and I think I'm forgetting more... maybe,.. not sure!!
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