OK, I know I have probably talked about this before but since it happens I just thought it would be perfect to bring up.
At first I would get mad and angry but it doesn't phase me any longer. In some cases I seem to be the other woman and you know what only in her eyes.... Not mine. They have issues it's not my problem!
Can we as women be so freakin insecure that sometimes he's cheating? Don't get me wrong some of the time he might be, I don't know...
But, Ok... so I dont' think I wrote about this publicly but a sales rep for a phone company we have called my mom and was trying to get her to upgrade her phone... so I guess she got tired of talking to him so she tells me to talk to him and explain... So I did... you know chit chat while the comps load and that's it... Then I asked him to send me upgrade info for my phone becase I want to upgrade in a year and want to keep up with phones... We hang up... He starts texting me later that night.... said something about feeling something by hearing a voice (I think it's BS, but whatever!) and I even asked if it wasn't against their work policy to do that... he said he didn't know. Whatever... I ignore most of his texts... (they get rather annoying, I'm sorry when I'm not interested in a person I prefer lil to no contact, but it's just me)
Today, I got this text from his "gf" and was telling me things... so I told her the truth, I have nothing to hide and I have nothing to do with him either... He asked me out and I said no, I had already told him I was talking to somebody already. So this girl says that it hurts her and blah blah and that there is others and I shouldn't get my hopes up... but I never did or was... he's a freakin stranger Duh!
So all I can say was at the end "If he's hurting you this much and you're contacting people it's only going to hurt mire. If he's not worth it then give yourself worth and dump him" -- She never responded back
An old friend had to stop talking to me because apparently his gf thought that he has something to do with me after I helped him with advice to get them back together when they were broken up. He never met in person ever and I hadn't seen him his hs like 8 years at the time. When he said he needed to de-friend me I said, "fine" and he said if I needed to contact him send him a message... i told him, "no thank you that was enough drama" I don't want or need drama it's not for me but it likes to follow me ... wtf
And the biggest one was like almost 2 years ago... I was working and helping this person out... The wife knew me well by that time. I was like his PA (personal assistant) and took care of calls and some business stuff. You know small business things and not only that I did the spanish- english (and visa versa) translation for this person... His wife started assuming the worse, calls me one saturday night and completely tells me off and calls me a "slut" and who knows what else came to her lil mind. I was actually for the first time afraid for my life. I was suppose to meet her the next day... I agreed I had nothing to hide. I had a phone I was using for the calls so she said I was living off of their "dime" ... not even close... b*tch... I'm still mad about that situation... They really messed up part of my business I was starting to have with their rumors and useless drama... I even lost my translating gigs I was starting to get on the side...
So why do we go assuming that our mans are cheating and always blame the girl? I think that sometimes the girl is unaware and she gets caught in the crossfire...
I don't have a need to be dealing with men who are taken, men who are married.... I would love to have man of my own so we can share life and be happy... I have been single since '04 it means a lot of things.. I've dated here and there and even had my son during that while but I've learned all too much of life and hardship why complicate it more...
I'm not "the other" one type of girl... ( i just don't want drama... My policy is honesty all the way... tell me your worse and if I still like you then good, people have to try me)
I believe I am "the one" type of a girl...
So ladies, keep your men happy in bed and happy in his needs and make sure he does the same to you...
Stop assuming he's cheating or you stop cheating if you are (pay him attention) ...
We're all people who have needs for each other...
Make the best of life and be happy...
and in case you didn't get it... I'm not the other woman... I hate the drama... I want people to fix their lives and keep me out of it... I want to be happy with my one and only... plain and simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't mean to offend anyone...
I know some of your situations and I respect you... FYI! *hugs*
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