after yesterday I felt a lil stressed
But, just as you love to listen to the beat, or enjoy and occasional lyric … I not only listen to the lyric but listen to the singer or better yet the language the music is conveying.
I seek out musical connections because it’s a way to my heart.
(I know, I just said, not easily done as it was said) I’ve learned to be critical yet loving and understanding to all musicians and music lovers. No matter how much you practice there is always room for improvement, which goes with life as well. It doesn’t matter where you came from, what you past consists of because in the end of the night you’re always striving to be you, the better part of you, which even if unnoticed, you practice on it daily. And you are unchangeable by any means. Don't seek to conform the unhappiness of another person. Be happy and don't conform your happiness to make someone else happy if it's not making you happy.There will always and I truly mean always be people trying to change who you are, what you stand for… But, no… you be happy with yourself and strive to better yourself in the necesities that you need. It’s hard enough you judging your own self but allowing others the opportunity to take you out…
Lately, there is one song that for some reason I keep taking refuge in… it makes me feel good yet… it breaks me down to tears.
Give me headphones… and I’m gone for hours but you know what? That’s when I’m alive…
I judge myself pretty damn hard. I think, at times I have kept my self from happiness because of it. It took me years of searching (to find myself) which I did hand in hand with music, hence why I majored in music.
I've decided to tune out people when they talk bad about me... why? because you can't possibly tell me something I don't tell myself on a daily basis. (But, I can't tune out when they treat people like they mean nothing.-it's accumulative anger for me) No one can have more hate or make me feel less than how I felt as growing up as I did for myself as a teen. And I can literally tune people (it's a zone out... blank stares sure... They give my sister the chills... I don't know why but it's because when you die a lil inside and start to revive yourself sometimes you still feel a lil half gone ... sometimes people don't understand)
I don't mean to sound so negative or pessimistic... but music has given me life... struggle I face myself, no one knows... you call people names but don't call them out until you really take a look at yourself.
ok enough!
oh yea, I'm not a skinny girl and sadly I've never been able to... I've done many things to try... but you know what? If you don't like it f*ck off... It's been my life struggle as much as people suffer, if I could cut it off I would, trust's not the eating issue... stop generalizing people!
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