So I've come to this conclusion all my my lonesome... UNDATEABLE!
Can it be that I don't meet the right people in real...
The only people I ever would have really wanted to meet were nerds in my classes... You know the "know it alls" but they lacked personality and had the need to do everything but enjoy some company. Not only that I guess I must have missed a lot of opportunities I was in a serious relationship for a while of my college career adventure and graduated with a baby... After that who would want a girl like me?
Hey guys, I do have a mind of my own... I know sad... yea, you can't tell me what you want and not expect me to ask for something in return... fyi I'm not going to ask for a "ring", "a car" "a house" or "kids" those are all decisions... (will you ever get near to any of them, not sure) But I will say, with a job I know I can have each of those my self oh and for kids... I have one... (kids= the most serious talk in the world with me... SERIOUS)
I don't have that of a distasteful personality... it can be a lil different but who's isn't?
I to enjoy talking and flirting sometimes but don't get me wrong I don't cheat or ever will. Don't expect anything from it.
The definition of "love" by gentlemen's actions has made my thoughts of love "fickle"
I don't dance... well I haven't done so since freshmen year or maybe beginning of sophomore year in college...max when I was 19... that's like 7 years...
I do have an ocassional drink ... My thought process while inibriated still the same but a lil more brave but not very brave... I still wont sing in front of people lilke kareoke even though I've wanted to try...
I'm attached to my phone... but if I can manage to ignore my phone for hours so can you ...
Part of what i enjoy is talking... doesn't even cost anything... I like to save people money...
(religion has been taken out-for the time being it use to hold an importance- currently not sure about organize religion-) at the time getting to know the person for who they and stand for are more important than their beliefs... Religion right now seems relative...
I love staring at the stars... one day i'm going to by a telescope...
I enjoy classical music... but I don't make you listen to it but I also enjoy Symphony Orchestras, Operas, Ballet -- Hello music major.... and I enjoy the Arts...
I enjoy rock (My fav station KROQ) but if you're not in LA you don't hear it but even I don't get to since I live a lil far from it. I literally like all types of music, rock, punk, emo, all the variations of all of those combined and I'm open to new bands, I like rap, hip hop, R&B, some mainstream... But I hardly listen to radio and I certainly don't want TV (seriously), there are even a few countries songs I like. I'm pretty well rounded...
I would love to visit museums.. last time I was in one I was probably 7 yrs old
Kids --- I'm a single mother of one... so if you can't accept that oh well... as for kids with someone else... I'm almost certain I don't want any. (well unless you have a good reason- it's an discuss-able topic. You just might be an exception as mentioned above this is a SERIOUS topic)
Cuddling- never had it so I'm not sure if I like it or not but it would be interesting.
I've always slept pretty much alone or slept in a really small bed with my son so I tend to stay in an edge of the bed no matter what usually...
i do like make-up... I've minimized in the years...
Oh and I hate cleaning but I hate a dirty place... realize that if I clean it gets dirtier first then somewhat clean... to almost spotless...
Dishes sometimes give me comfort... when I do chores I listen to music and tune everything out
I dislike talking on the phone but when I'm talking to someone I enjoy it... (nobody ever calls me...
I like doing laundry... nothing like having clean clothes... hate putting them away though...
I enjoy cooking but don't make me angry because then I wont want to make anything
I am not hot temptered at all but do tend to have dominant type of character which sometimes makes me clash with people... I'm actually quite patient but tick me off and the gloves are off. (maybe the full Mexican in me) But, if you can handle me, I'm the most passive as girls come as well... you can't handle a girl with a stronger character.
You are either submissive (which I use to be, timid, controllable but not completely anymore) or have the power to control a household which I know I can... I tend not to take leadership positions but when I have them... I make best of the power I know how to use it well to the benefit of everybody.
I on a rare ocassion can be very opinionated and that's more and more when you know what I stand for.
I don't expect special treatment as long as you treat me with respect.
I do enjoy chivalry but not having it isn't a deal breaker... I can make it on my own... having a hard time starting now... but once i'm there ... I know how to handle.
i was over protected as a child and sometimes my thoughts and the way I make up my mind can't be innocent (child like, naive, ignorant)
I've been single most of my life with exception of 3 years... so I'm not susceptible (can be a lil gullible but you can figure that out)
I compromise my experiences... I accept people for who they are completely (good and bad and if I don't I wont consider you from the get go) but my free acceptance leaves me hanging... I feel as though they never accepted me back the same way... (I guess acceptance isn't reciprocated)
As time passes my wall of attachment has grown higher and thicker. Don't think I don't let people talk to me because I do. Some who I let them talk to me have an advantage already but most don't know how to use it. I end up just stacking them up as just friends... And I can tell the difference in flirting too...
I rather be alone than unhappy.
My heart basically tolerate a "3 strikes your out system" - well I haven't counted how many strikes each person gets but knowingly or unknowingly people are given chances... and this only applies to talking and maybe dating... relationship is different. If you can't make it while we talkor date why would I want a relationship with you.
I'm still friends with people I've talked to or dated... they give me advice on guys... heads up... Who knows men better than them they know different types of men and how the are
I wont lie to you but you better not lie to me... When I find out....guess what? a thicker wall means harder work... and not worth it for you. (just being honest)
at some point in the talking... I so some pursuing... just like it was done to me... but if you get comfortable with that... DONT... If I see no reciprocation (or intent from your side) I move on... simple... have had a few guys get too comfortable... doesn't work, sorry!
I analyze a lot ... and think a lot... so I listen to music to clear up my mind
Yea, so I'm undate-able....
Have you ever felt like you were undateable or just not compatible with anybody?
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