My son had a great day today... He got to meet his baby brother for the first time.
Danny and Iori
Yay! It makes me happy he got to see the new addition of his little family. He is a big brother and well frankly will have their rest of their rest to know each other.
Danny had been wanting to go see Ray his other lil brother well not so little since sometimes people have mistaken them for twins or people say the 2 kids from the same mom wouldn't have looked so similar... who knows but they love hanging out and playing always. So Danny had been wanting to see his bro and apparently he had been asking for Danny too. Danny feels Ray is his best friend and it makes me so happy even though Danny doesn't understand the whole sibling situation correctly just yet even though he's been exposed his who life to it.
Ray and Danny
I love seeing their smiles when they get to play together. =D
this is the pic of the 4 kids... (siblings) Today 6-29-2011
Danny (my son) And his half brothers and sister kids of @snoog420 And thank you darling for always being so great and supportive!! Couldn't have a better person!! We know how our life has been full of interesting struggles and here we are with beautiful kids who love each other. <3
Danny 5 yrs 6 months (left), Mila 2 yrs 4 month (top middle), Iori 2 months, Ray (left) 5 yrs 2 months
The kids with their dad on August 2009 right before he left for deployment. Mila was just a few months old... How time flies.
I just wanted to share a little of the happiness my son goes through. I know he kind of have 2 different family but he lives a happy life. He may not understand everything yet but they love spending time together. We all sometimes have out small disagreements but we know how to talk them through. We've all grown to support and understand each other. <3
My son loves being silly and he follows a few trends, well thanks to my bro... haha! but, Danny loves silly pictures... xp
One of his childhood goals is to be stronger than Mommy!! He has no idea he already is but I will let him keep striving for the best. He thinks that I'm one of the strongest people well at least in my household. Nobody is as strong as I am which kind of makes me feels so warm inside he thinks so highly of me then again, his expectations at very adamant. Well there you have it...