1. Sex - yea it does. I'm human and It crosses my mind a lot... I don't act on it but sometimes I wonder if people think of it as much as it crosses my mind, so weird!!!!
2. Music- Notes as constantly running through my head... quarter notes, eight notes, sixteenth notes, scales, music in general, just pieces of music- sheet music... I see it, I hear it, instruments and what they sound like and they would sound if they played out of range (I do it in my head), voices... high, deep, mid range... What people sound like talking and how they would like being an instrument or if they were an instrument where in the band would they be, Personality of music as it pertains to people... (That would be an awesome psych course/major
3. Insecurities- "Will I ever be good enough?"
4. Job- Constantly thinking of what I can do, what I'm qualified, I'm not... what I would like to try
5. Money- I'm broke so it's constantly on my mind... or what I can do with what I got...
6. Future- I'm always thinking of where I'm going, if I'm going anywhere, What I will be doing in 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 20 yrs, 40 yrs, 50 yrs... I'm curious... I'm too undecided towards my future so its up for grabs;I want to do everything... I feel like an "undecided" undergrad except I have a music degree now... I want to conquer the world but that's where I get stumped... I guess you can say I have many talents and I could do them all but picking is hard and then knowing you'll be successful, Sometimes, I want to become a chef, other times I want to go get a Masters in Business, or I want to get another undergrad, and teaching credential then a Masters in School Administration and become a principal, or just get my certificate to translate and go to courts or help out at hospitals, or even massage therapy certificate... I know I can do that as well... So many things... or I like to also do clerical work... maybe a minor in math or accounting...
7. Marriage- I wonder if I will ever marry, if I'll be happy, if I can make somebody happy, If I'll make a good wife or bad wife, if we will have communication, support, or if I don't get married will I be lonely, what will happen, where would this define where I go...
I know some of these I should let them go but honestly... I'm sure I think of so many other's too... these were the first few that popped in my head within a min or so... I'm constantly thinking and thinking and thinking... sometimes I wish I can turn off my brain for an hour but then I think of what I would be missing in my thoughts or the thoughts of others... I feel like a sponge something absorbing...
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever.)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
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