Overall today was a nice day....
A friend gave me 2 televisions he needed to get rid of becuase he was moving and he asked me first if I wanted them. I, of course, said yes... just like he is... we hardly ever say no to free stuff ... 2 tvs yay! and since the big Tv doesn't have DVD or VHS he gave me one too :)
When I went to my friends house I had left my mom in a meeting which was a Cinco de Mayo celebrating but it was mainly a meeting to celebrate the previous month of hard workers... They had food and music which I missed the whole food part picking up the TVs but I don't regret it.
They had a live band: Proyecto 1 Musical it's new group starting up... trying to get their name out ...
Well guess what... My dad and brother are in it... My dad is on the left hand side on the keyboard and my bro (18 yrs old) is the one in between both guys with orange shirts, playing bass... Well, I'm going to say they were awesome not because2 family members are in it but they play pretty good... they even got the crowd dancing and all. Sorry i didn't really take a pic of the crowd but that's a few people down here... :)
Then the music ended... and yea it was finishing ... and for all people who are active in their business they did a special raffle... Yea, I haven't been active in my personal business since my mom's brain surgery on March 2010, instead I helped her with hers and maintained some of her downline...
So guesss who won the raffle?
MY MOM!!!!!!
Yea, A nice end to the day... :) and my son came home and fell sound asleep! Ahh... the peace!!! :D
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