Family is very important to many of us. And sadly we don't always get to spent much time with them. It's a sad part of life but when we do we rejoice... we form one big unity. There is harmony and happiness. We all know that the world isn't going to be perfect and we know that the family isn't perfect but while whole that special bond with each other we can all be perfect together as one big family... I was walking around the block with my son and we often make small stops sometimes to see ants and this time to see these flowers and it made me think about family and how it's beautiful when they unite and don't fight. Well it also helped that those flowers were beautiful and well my last name "Flores" actually means "Flowers" in English. I relate too everything... And I noticed how there was so much beautiful surrounded by just dirt and plain nothingness. Sometimes we all just have to realize that the surroundings aren't what makes us... we need to make for ourselves regardless of what dirt is around us...
Enough of my pics...
This weekend was nice... It was about family. We actually had family from Minnesota fly in.. although we were all happy to see them we know their trip isn't a very happy trip so we're all trying to be supportive. That night it had been a long time since the "Flores'" had gotten together... I must say most weren't there of course but the ones who always are there were there... we were there and we got to catch up and talk... and hang out... Saw aunts I hadn't in a while some cousins... girl talk, catching, I took advice from my cousin, it felt amazing ... and everything was great. There was food and it was also a small surprise for my lil cousin from MN she just turned 19 .... she wasn't expecting it... The evening went by so fast... and it was the first time they got to meet my nephew. I had been watching him since Friday night... they all just loved him! I was so happy!
Sunday, was just as amazing... my mom's side of the family came over... well who are in the US except one Aunt... I don't know why she keeps fighting staying away from the family but it's obvious she is starting to feel it... not to mention her husband who is partly responsible for that... She just had a baby in late March and she never told us she was pregnant or that she had the baby... All we went by was rumors.... when she had the baby her husband told one of my mom's aunts ..."mire, ni las sobrinas han venido"... which is "See, not even the nieces have came" ... it made me sad... How do we go if we don't feel welcomed ... and besides they never wanted us to know she was expecting :( Anyways so yea she didn't come, but my other 2 aunts and their families came it was nice the only person missing was my sister... She works double shifts on certain holidays bc she works at a mexican restaurant. oh and my bro who has the baby wasn't here either... but the baby was still with me. It was a fun filled day... I got up and did some food... they all ate...They all (also) got to meet my lil nephew... which they all loved... My lil nephew got to meet so much family this weekend it was amazing!
Yesterday, was the mother's day that we typically celebrate... May 10th... every year... well it's I guess the Mexican Tradition to do... we didn't do anything... I received a few messages and texts which was nice ... And my sis calls today in the morning asking if we had gotten a package she had been expecting... which we hadn't seen anything... And then it arrived...
My sister got this primarily for my mother but also for me
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