So anyways........
I was listening to the radio that morning and there was a discussion... Of course it all comes down to trust of your loved one, your SO, your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife...
Call it snooping or creeping around.... Not the "creeping around" where you might be with someone else at the same time but then again that can lead to the mistrust and lack communication... and cheating and blah blah blah... I'm sure many of us have been on that side ....
We all have many accounts when it comes to social networks, emails, interactions with people all over the place but is it ok that your SO is looking around your stuff? If they trust you, should they have nothing to worry about? And if they don't trust you should it be their right to look through your stuff...
When is it right to look through stuff? Should they ask?
When does "what's my stuff is your stuff and what your stuff is my stuff" start?? Or does that even exist... Now a days we each have our stuff, buy our own stuff .....what rights of privacy are you giving up or are you entitled to when you have a SO?
What's your take on "YOUR" stuff... when can they see... should they trust you and not ask... or reserve the right to still you? Does it go both ways?
Should you give away your passwords?
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