I don't know how to start this post... I'm talking to myself trying to figure it out and it's not working... I've wondered for days how I would and I put it in the back of my head ...
I know I've been writing about my feelings here and there and how happy I am what not... coincidence?! No, it's not!!
So, I met this person who I had kept nameless for personal reasons, his privacy, and well I wasn't ready to reveal because I was just to happy keeping the glory to myself. Or the attention I got from him. About 2 months ago, I physically met a person, a xangan who also happened to have a crush on me and declared it on secrets and wasmy first secrets' mention which by the time that issue came out he had just told me he was crushing on me.
We met for the first time and for some "odd" reason more than we can explain we really enjoyed each other's company. I think that even though we do not quite live so close to each other we have managed to see each other on weekly basis. I think he kind of likes me (KIND OF) because he texts me every morning
So after seeing each other and meeting he decided to ask ME out on an "official date" which was pretty AMAZING!! Most people consider the small encounters as just leading into more but don't think about an actual date or I don't know... But he asked me out and he gave me the most beautiful flowers and yes I kind of teared up.
After that...
I took him to meet part of my family which was at a cousin's 15anera... and I was saving his chair... everybody was eyeing me because they really wanted that chair but I'd give them the look "IT'S MINE!!!!" and they'd be like "ok, ok... just checking" no not really but I did get that look... it was alright. People were surprised and people asked me is he your boyfriend and I'd say "no, he's my friend" and smile... and they'd give me a raised eye-brow look. I introduced him to my son... if you all didn't know, I'm a single mother... My son had my camera and looked at him and just snapped a shot of him and walked away... My son is a very jealous type of little boy, clingy and well he's been the only one in my life his whole life. So, for me it was a pretty good accomplishment that my son didn't throw a tantrum at the sight of a stranger sitting next to his momma...
A very cold evening ...
He had, already,in month, of meeting/talking, impacted me so much and i felt literally Swept off my feet but ... But he actually thinks I'm clumsy... "Girl, you be trippin'" Yea, I kept tripping...
About a month ago... well actually exactly a month ago... we were trying to meet and see each other and we were thinking the park but it was far too cold so he knew of a Starbucks that I always went to while in Fontana... "My own special starbucks" haha so he asked if we can go there... I mentioned of some closer to his exit but "no dice" he wanted to go to MINE.. so we meet there and I'd say we were there for a REAL long time... I'm surprised he's not bored of me
So I wanted to do something nice for him which I didn't know what so I knit him a scarf... Being impatient as I am ... I made it fast and well I gave it to him on a chilly day which happened to be December 5th when we were in starbucks. It was time to leave, Starbucks was closing ... it was cold outside... I already had his other scarf he had and we didn't quite want to part ways even though we'd been there talking for hours...
So we went in a warmer place, my car. I don't quite remember what happened or how ...but he whispered something to me... and then he asked me be his girlfriend... the first time I was formally asked to be a girlfriend face to face... of course... I said "NO" ... wait different person... *cough* I mean I said, "YES!" THE END... jk
So @Cucumber_Melonhead and Pinktiger335 are officially boyfriend & girlfriend well for a month now but to your knowledge since NOW!
We spent Christmas and New Year's with my family and he's great... He and Danny get along so well... I even have time for naps haha... Actually I'm sure after spending time with Danny he needs naps too... Danny kept him busy the whole time...
So that's the news...
Oh and I asked him to teach me chess... so we are nerds and play chess a lot
and yes we'll hold hands while playing ...
oh and he made me "Queen" Officially even though by name I'm already one...
Jk, thank you for reading the madness!!
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