So When I wrote my last post "He's my Boyfriend" was because I saw that he felt comfortable enough to reveal that I was his Girlfriend not that I needed reassurance.. he shows me how he feels and I show him how I feel and we don't need to make it public (well a lot, haha) But, it's nice to tell the world or at least THE XANGA world!!
So yes on Dec 5th was our our first month as a couple together. When I saw his post I teared up... he's amazing... did you see the video he made on his post?!?!... wow!! He's a total romantic!! So on that lovely thursday he posted, I texted him first instead of writing on his post... I preferred telling him how sweet it was rather than him reading it on the post...
So this funny guy sends me the weirdest text ever... haha
"I miss you baby! Do you miss me?" (He never asked that before... felt like something was up but didn't know what.)
"Aww baby! Of course I miss you! What kind of question is that! :)"
"*sigh* I wish I could see you right now. Hug you. Hold you." (aww... so sweet!)
"Awww babe! You don't want to see me right now haha I'm a mess :) but I wish I would hold you, hug you and kiss you!" (I'm honest... haha!
Didn't expect this next text...
"Really? Go outside then" ... (in my head I was smiling a little, in my head I felt like I had a wtf look... a little confused... most people who have said that don't know where I live... haha ... I stalled and was confused and didn't want to go outside if it meant getting my hopes shattered... I take my time a little and slowly head outside...
He drove the hour and a half to my house after work!! Crazy guy!!!
He caught me by total surprise ... *smh* but I was happily surprised!!
My Favorite book w/ a special dedication
My house was a total MESS... O_o ... it was late and I was thinking cleaning all day friday... I had a feeling I might see him Saturday... haha! But, he was here 2 days early!! I don't mind at all, I loved it... He also asked me if I'd go out with him and his friends friday... Yay, he wanted to introduce me to SOME of his friends!!
So we went to a Dinner at his friend's house and they had a movie planned (that whole night was a total mission full of driving haha... I thought I drove a lot but I don't know how he does it! We went to the theater... the movie sucked... but I liked the company so it was ok...
At the movie theater waiting to see "Devil Inside"
While inside the midnight happened ...
Awww... he likes writing on my hand
On my b-day he made me breakfast... It was delicious!
He has a way in the kitchen!!It was like an Omlet but it ended up being scrambled
Be jealous!
When I was young I loved batman!! He got me the complete works of the series!! We started watching them together. Oh, to be kids again.
Check Mate!
So after everybody ate, I decided we'd take the kids to the park. My cousins were over and they entertain Danny so I thought a nice relaxing time for me would be good!And it give me time to played Chess with Johnson... I'll play any time I get a chance... they do they "Practice makes better..." and that is what I want. So by accident... I WON!!!!! He's never been easy on me but I was lucky and I won... YAY!! I hope that he doesn't get tired of playing with me.
Sunday we all went to Mass... and came back home. We made taquitos de Carne Asada. And he plays Wii all the time. I went to my room where the console is set up. Then I think I took a nap while they played... Or danny came fell asleep on me and he was sitting next to me and probably napped... It felt like a long day. But, a great day.
My brother came over ... it had been my nephew's birthday on the third and they wanted to do a cake at my house. I was done with my bday ... I mean it's usually like a 10 min celebration anyways so I told them to do something for him. I knew Saturday was mine and they could do it for the baby.
The two birthday people... My self and Baby Roland
So, I was waking up and my bro calls me and says that they're going to cut the cake for the baby and to hurry. I was ready to sing... for him!
To my surprise they included me in the cake as well ... Baby turned 1 and I turned 27
So sad, no longer in mid 20s... now late 20s... I feel so old... I know it's just a number but I'm in my late 20s ...
Yay, cake!
My dad sang "Esta son Las Mananitas"
They put cake on my face and Johnson took a pic.. nice... there's proof!
Wiped my face and cut the cake!
The end of the night 1-8-2012
We ended the night by listening to my dad and bro play guitar and violin and sing. Fun times, this whole weekend!! I can't get enough of them! Everything just seems better and more perfect. I'm just genuinely happy!
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