It all pretty much started the 2nd weekend in June.. Fun summer days...
June 12 We went to do a small demo at my son's aunt's house and it ended up being like a facial/make-up spa evening with mimosas and then they grilled food and we all had a nice evening... While Danny played with her lil Aunt Gisselle and my mom spoke to my son's Grandma Mabel. I have to say I hadn't enjoyed an evening like that in a while...
June 13 - We went to Mass in the San Gabriel Mission like we use to when we were kids and then headed to my aunt's house in Rosemead for my cousins' birthdays... Danny sure got lost their... We all got to hang out and talk and catch up...The kids played ... it's nice seeing all my aunts together...
June 19
We had a small Rally of motivation in the OC with was inspirational...
June 26
My cousin had her Sweet 16... so we went to La Puente. It was nice, I really liked her dress. So Happy family...
July 3rd was a busy, busy day... a client came over and I lil late so delayed the plans... After we left we went to Ontario to my mom's comadre's house to give her a little info and we stayed there a couple of hours. Then I went to my Friend Maria's lil girl's 3rd b-day party and stayed there for a while... then I picked up my sis in Fontana and my mom in Ontario and headed to El Monte to a friend's 25th birthday/ Graduation from her Master's program... yay her!!! Anna Orozco Sociologist
July 4th which was a bit of a disappointment...
We traditionally have a thing we do every year and almost no aunt has failed to come and much less my grandma bc it's something my grandpa had been doing for so many years....We stay here celebrate some and then would usually go to my friend's house in Bloomington but this year was so disappointing that I didn't even feel like driving the whole way down... even though I knew I was going to take the edge off and drink and spend the night but I think we all went to bed early...
July 10
My Cousin Cathy got Married with her boyfriend and my sis and I went to her reception in Monterey Park... very nice reception and very strict on people count. But got to have a drink and enjoy the time bc it was the first time all the cousin were not working ... the sad part was that my sis and I were the only representative of the Flores family... Says a lot of my dad side of the family but that's for another story... lol
July 11
it was my Aunt's birthday, Tia Sidronia (Chido) and so we were in Riverside
But my other aunt did spoil my evening a lil but I didn't let it get to me until after we left... it was the best I could do...
July 17
We went to a friend's house in Fontana... Ana Lucia... her youngest got baptized. I was able to see another friend and we got to catch up... I hadn't seen her in a while... It was mainly my friend's family except us 2 friends... but it was very enjoyable.
Next weekend.. July 24th ... it's Janeth's Wedding... I should see a lot old people from Redlands.
July 25th I have a friend who is in Mariachi Divas... her youngest turns 1yr old...but at least she lives closer... up here in Adelanto. :D So some catching up with her and see some old high school friends... she didn't really talk to many while she was in Redlands...
It seems like the only weekend free in the one after that but maybe just saturday because Sunday August 1st it's my aunt's birthday but I don't know if we're going to go to Rosemead... well if they do something then yes...
August 7th... My friend Liz Munoz lil girl'sb-day... Aries turns 4... and is going to go to school where Danny was suppose to go to school...
But we don't know what day exactly they're going to be here because on August 11th my mom and I leave for Denver, Colorado and wont return until Sunday August 14th... then I'm really free except for work... yay! Work starts in August for sure!!! But September... Amber and Chris' Bachelor party in Vegas and Wedding on 10-10-10... should be fun and amazing!! Can't wait...
Sorry about this meaningless yammering but sometimes I have to find a way to feel better of all that's happen and think that not everything is bad... there are more positive things than the negatives.
Yay for feeling better!
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