Wow, Haven't been on this thing for a while. Well the first thing that happened was we set a goal and well our mind -set was to complete but we had to do and concentrate. After that we would have a more opportunity to breath. Well after one of my first goals for me was to become a Supervisor and it was successful my mom really wanted me to keep moving up. So the phrase all work and no play at this moment was very important. During this time we were so caught into what we were doing that we actually let go of the internet and TV since we have u-verse. So for a week and a few days there was minimal cyber connection to the world except through my phone which I would use to only real e-mails. It was horrible so I started spending a little time in Starbucks but still so that I would be able to read any attached files I was receiving from the RSD, pdfs and what not. Well this month, we had gone to my aunt's house and well she had had this surgery on her back and she started consuming the products once again... I told her since she was consuming she wouldd benefit joining the company and well she had rejected my mother's offer so many times and well she finally agreed and so we started working with her. And after her first month of sales she is now an Assiatant Manager and I am a Manager in this company. Forever Living Products is a company that was founded in May 1978...it's a Multi-level Company.It is now in 137 countries and this company has been growing year by year....www. reynaflores.myflpbiz.com Take a look at my website and tell me what you think....
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