I use to spend hours on the phone way back then... when I use to have to be in bed by ten and stay up until like 4 or 5 then go to school but I guess that it's the worst or the latest I have stayed up. I guess once you enter the world of studies after high school and you learn the concept of socialization, procrastination comes hand in hand... there are parties and friends... so obviously sometimes we just put the boring aside and well there we are last minute studying or doing the homework... so I have stayed until 8am the next morning and then gone to class... that is the worst head ache in the world. I believe... when you stay up all night studying and then you still wake up studying.... or just using your head. Well that is what I feel... I know I have had pretty horrible hang overs back in the day but nothing compared to all-nighter...
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Are you concerned about global warming? How do you help eliminate climate change?
Of course I am concerned about Global warming... I remember when formal VP Al Gore when to our school and spoke about the situation, many of our eyes were opened. It is pretty darn amazing at how quick we are destroying the earth. I do not like that the ice is starting to melt which means more water and a little less land... with the population growing world wide and less land, what will happen? What do I do? Well at my house hold we recycle... when we mow the lawn we try and use that as natural compose... We try and keep the water usage as low as possible as keeping showers the less possible. For us, it's a beginning because are a pretty big family, 7 people... so trying to do it all can be a little hard. But, considering our situation I think we try and do our best. Also as they say that if we maintain our cars to their best condition they are less prone to pollute the air more so that is another one....
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I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
a good start today
Today was a great day I thought! I am starting to plan my month of June... so that it all does well... I am excited I am soon going to be recognized as Manager but most of all because people are seeking me out. So today I had an appointment with a prospect in Los Angeles at 2. I went and well it went relatively well. She signed up in the company and she bought the Aloe Gel, Bee Propolis Creme, Shampoo and Conditioner, tooth Paste and we gave her a chap stick.
I also received a call for an Acne treatment. (Aloe Gelly and Bee-Propolis Creme) I explained how everything worked and then he asked about another product the Heat Lotion. So I told him how we have used it especially when my son gets consgested so I put it on his clothes so he is able to breath and it opens his throat to let oxygen to his lungs. Well he was happy to hear he said he would talk to his wife about it so we can set-up a meeting and talk a little more.
I am very excited about these next couple of months to come. It's so great when you're building you're downline and people are so happy in how well these natural products work. What makes me more proud to say is that they do not have any chemicals. They have since tested by scientist and received a seal. They are also organic... grown without any herbicides or pesticides. These products Are Kosher and have the Islamic seal of approval. That is pretty darn well and we have a "no cruelty to animals" seal too. We have almost everything and that why I love it... the facials and make-up... creams... are by far my favorite but I love using so many of the products...
Then, after I came back from LA we went to a 15nera where one of my brothers was the main Chambelan... everything was cute... they had good food, great music, and the waltz was the cutest I've seen.... I think that was the best 15anera I have ever seen.... never been happier than in this one...
This one was like my dream 15anera I was never able to have... but I am so happy for the little girl.
I also received a call for an Acne treatment. (Aloe Gelly and Bee-Propolis Creme) I explained how everything worked and then he asked about another product the Heat Lotion. So I told him how we have used it especially when my son gets consgested so I put it on his clothes so he is able to breath and it opens his throat to let oxygen to his lungs. Well he was happy to hear he said he would talk to his wife about it so we can set-up a meeting and talk a little more.
I am very excited about these next couple of months to come. It's so great when you're building you're downline and people are so happy in how well these natural products work. What makes me more proud to say is that they do not have any chemicals. They have since tested by scientist and received a seal. They are also organic... grown without any herbicides or pesticides. These products Are Kosher and have the Islamic seal of approval. That is pretty darn well and we have a "no cruelty to animals" seal too. We have almost everything and that why I love it... the facials and make-up... creams... are by far my favorite but I love using so many of the products...
Then, after I came back from LA we went to a 15nera where one of my brothers was the main Chambelan... everything was cute... they had good food, great music, and the waltz was the cutest I've seen.... I think that was the best 15anera I have ever seen.... never been happier than in this one...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wow, Haven't been on this thing for a while. Well the first thing that happened was we set a goal and well our mind -set was to complete but we had to do and concentrate. After that we would have a more opportunity to breath. Well after one of my first goals for me was to become a Supervisor and it was successful my mom really wanted me to keep moving up. So the phrase all work and no play at this moment was very important. During this time we were so caught into what we were doing that we actually let go of the internet and TV since we have u-verse. So for a week and a few days there was minimal cyber connection to the world except through my phone which I would use to only real e-mails. It was horrible so I started spending a little time in Starbucks but still so that I would be able to read any attached files I was receiving from the RSD, pdfs and what not. Well this month, we had gone to my aunt's house and well she had had this surgery on her back and she started consuming the products once again... I told her since she was consuming she wouldd benefit joining the company and well she had rejected my mother's offer so many times and well she finally agreed and so we started working with her. And after her first month of sales she is now an Assiatant Manager and I am a Manager in this company.
Forever Living Products is a company that was founded in May 1978...it's a Multi-level Company.
It is now in 137 countries and this company has been growing year by year....
www. reynaflores.myflpbiz.com
Take a look at my website and tell me what you think....
Forever Living Products is a company that was founded in May 1978...it's a Multi-level Company.
It is now in 137 countries and this company has been growing year by year....
www. reynaflores.myflpbiz.com
Take a look at my website and tell me what you think....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ay ay ay
Well on top of not being able to sleep Danny has been getting very sick at night so he tosses and turns a lot. Cries and whines in his sleep and wont let me sleep on my side. Sigh. . . The day will come when i'll be able to rest or think like i can. :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's almost 5am
Geez danny has woken me up so many times this night. First was because he had a cough which i calmed down. . . And then he started saying he wanted to eat. Put him to sleep a few times since he ate well at tia's house but finally got up have him a bowl of cereal. He just finished it so i'm going to back to well. The nice thing is that though we just got back to bed he said thanks mom for going to eat. :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Cant sleep
Yelli guess i just haven't been able to sleep well. It's not like i'm not sleeping but more like my dreams are not allowing me to rest. Last night's was so mentally involved, writing letters in a classroom setting. . . Having to apologize, being demeaned by others. . . It was just another childhood trauma as a dream in adult form. Then the one from the night before i know it involved my heart in from way. . . The love form but i cannot remember exactly what it it was but just as well i woke up a bit disturbed and tired. Stupid dreams. . .
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Brothers' Confirmation
Yesterday, it was a very special day. It was May 15th, 16 years after my brothers were baptized and also 16 years since I did my first communion but not so special about me but more of my brothers. They finally completed their confirmation. We couldn't be more proud of such accomplishment and the realization our faith of Catholicism. It was a nice ceremony and all the kids were wearing mainly white and red and well of course most boys wore black slacks....I have to say that our church was full of people and probably at it's full capacity of 1500 people... although I am not sure but it was sure full...
Well since they got confirmed yesterday and the mass started at 7pm well it was obvious that we couldn't have a little get together so late or a dinner because everybody would have woken up with an upset stomach.
Well Jose Orozco, the leader of the choir my brother Orlando and my Dad, isOrlando's Godfather. The guy that taught all the parents about what the kids were learning during confirmation class was My brother Rolando's Godfather and My dad wasJame's God who is my brother's best friend. Today we had a small get together to do their celebration andhave friends come over. The small pay was at Orland's Godfagther's house. Good food and got to see people I hadn't seen in a while.
Well since they got confirmed yesterday and the mass started at 7pm well it was obvious that we couldn't have a little get together so late or a dinner because everybody would have woken up with an upset stomach.
Well Jose Orozco, the leader of the choir my brother Orlando and my Dad, isOrlando's Godfather. The guy that taught all the parents about what the kids were learning during confirmation class was My brother Rolando's Godfather and My dad wasJame's God who is my brother's best friend. Today we had a small get together to do their celebration andhave friends come over. The small pay was at Orland's Godfagther's house. Good food and got to see people I hadn't seen in a while.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So I am watching the television with my son and he just got up and said " mom, I lvoe you"
So he came and gave me a hug and I gave a kiss in his little cheek. I can honestly say that has been the highight on my day... besides have 2 appointments. We have a small demostration tomorrow in Riverside and I have another one in Perris on tuesday! Yay!
So he came and gave me a hug and I gave a kiss in his little cheek. I can honestly say that has been the highight on my day... besides have 2 appointments. We have a small demostration tomorrow in Riverside and I have another one in Perris on tuesday! Yay!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
hit and run
So I finally... Found out the reason of why the guy from the accident was laying on the floor. So apparently when they got hit by the other car, he got off and was trying to ask the guy for his information and telling him not to leave because the cops were on the way. Well apparently the guy didn't want to stay so he threw the car with the car. I am not sure how it happened but all I saw was the guy laying on the floor. When the Ambulence appeared I guess they checked him out but he didn't want to go to the hospital because he suposedly had too many things to do... I don't know. Well he went to the doctor and he has a broken Arm and I don't know if anything else. But, the car that hit him did keep going and was caught like 3 blocks down... So the guy that left might be charged for a "hit and Run" and attempt of homocide... maybe the last one since he did hit him and even more so because he left him lying on the floor not knowing if he had harmed him and still took off...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What would you do?
With the last little tip-bit of my last blog it sure makes many think that so many things always happen when you least expect it. No one know when the time comes or when somebody is going to be careless and not notice that their reckless driving is putting someone's father, mother, sister, brother in jeopardy... I think that is a huge problem that many Californians have... no courtesy ... just road rage... the worst type of driving... I don't even know why this worry is finally hitting me... specially since I use to hate life before and wasn't scared of death... and now I am starting to think a little more of my son and me... You can say I am a little frightened of not being able to see anyone anymore... We just never know when our time comes of when it's going to be thee last day we see somebody. No one died today but I almost as bad?
Has anyone felt helpless not knowing what to do or how to help others in need, in a tragedy? Or the opposite step up to the plate and know exactly what do to?
Has anyone felt helpless not knowing what to do or how to help others in need, in a tragedy? Or the opposite step up to the plate and know exactly what do to?
Last night I went to sleep at 4am and then I woke up at 6:30am. I don't understand why Danny woke up that early. But I felt suffocated and hot. Although I knew it was early I thought it was like 10am or something but it wasn't I saw my phone it was 6:30am. I told him to close his eyes and go back to sleep. And then I completely woke up at 8 but I felt rested which is very unusual because when I go to sleep late and wake up early I almost feel as though I have a hang over. But not today. I am a little more tired today in the evening... but I guess that's normal when you didn't get enough sleep the day before.
Tomorrow is Mother's day... today I went to the store and I bought my mom a blender... we have gone through some blenders and none of them have worked or break... who knows why but I hope she is happy with it.
Today I was suppose to go to a birthday party but didn't end up going. I really wanted to go but for some reason I didn't. Who knows what could have happened but I am here at home sleepy and I am starting to feel sad. Today was the first time I didn't wear a long sleeve shirt. I used a concealer wheel to try and it worked a little. You can still see the marks and I need to find a way to cover so that my mom doesn't see them... I don't want to add another burden or another reason to hear screaming...
Tomorrow is Mother's day... today I went to the store and I bought my mom a blender... we have gone through some blenders and none of them have worked or break... who knows why but I hope she is happy with it.
Today I was suppose to go to a birthday party but didn't end up going. I really wanted to go but for some reason I didn't. Who knows what could have happened but I am here at home sleepy and I am starting to feel sad. Today was the first time I didn't wear a long sleeve shirt. I used a concealer wheel to try and it worked a little. You can still see the marks and I need to find a way to cover so that my mom doesn't see them... I don't want to add another burden or another reason to hear screaming...
If you were an FDA approved drug, what would your possible side effects include?
You must drink a lot of water... possible damage to kidneys and liver. It should be taken 30 minutes after you eat, or can cause possible nausea. If not taken after food can cause ulcers or open sores in the stomach. Avoid children from consuming can cause death. You cannot drive or go out in the sun rays... can cause skin irritation. Consult Doctor for further instructions.
I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
What has been the hardest thing that you have had to overcome in your lifetime?
I can honestly say that one of the hardest things I have had to overcome is depression. I was never diagnosed but with the cutting, urges to end my life, and the loneliness that was felt I am sure it was more than one could have handled. I was not a social person or easily made friends...with my type of awkwardness... and weird characteristics it's weird to see my self as almost normal.
Since I remember in high school I was constantly inflicting some sort of pain whether it was carving into my skin or piecing something. I was always trying to accommodate the loneliness i felt which something else that really did exist. Boys didn't like me because I was different... I was shy, quiet, but smart. Boys like or liked outgoing girls.
Let see when I was a sophmore this stupid little freshman who played the sax had a crush on me. He practically made my life miserable because I couldn't get rid of him and he would make fun of me, which I couldn't stand. Many kids knew I had a crush on this boy so they would use it against me... to the point I would cry and not to think what I wanted to do to my self just to stop the laughter against me.
Well that year was a waste... I remember that following summer when we returned to band camp all the leaders and the band director got together to set up everything before people came. And I remember one of the conversations was to kick out this person out. I felt bad for this individual and I still don't know because he was annoying. So I tried calling his house because I felt if I spoke to him I could have helped him out. My number didn't go through because I had blocked it... so I unblocked it and I think his mother answered and passed the phone to him and I told him who I was and he said "I know, I saw the last name" Well that was the first change in my life... this individual changed this pessimestic, angered, people hater, gothic, emo chic. A few months after talking he asked me out. I changed so much... I started hanging out with his best friend and his girlfriend... we were a tight foursome throughout those 2 years... I think thay 360 degree change was the cause of the deepest depression I had ever been in... the lies, the cheating, the girls, the love.... I don't think I ever cried so much or annoyed my friends because I couldn't stopanswering his phone calls... friends tried taking my phone away because they knew that as soon as I got off the phone I would be crying again and it just didn't make sense, right? Well shortly afrter our last break-up I ended up getting pregnant... and he blamed me for ruining his life and wanted me to have an abortion... I hated him... I was alone... I couldn't do anything with friends anymore and I was stuck. I had a baby boy and fell into a post pardum depression... at that point I subconsciously would almost kill my self. I would zone out and almost caused my self to get into so many accidents and when I would come to I would start uncontrollably cry ... not knowing what to do to fix it.... I started having more issues at home because I couldn't do homeowrk because I had a baby and even thuogh family was supportive they became an issue... another stress factor. My issue became so hard thatthe only thing I could think was dying that I couldn't concentrate in school, friends, work.... I knew that if I didn't do something I would really end up dead and have a little orphane baby who his father didn't want. I threw myself intotherapy sessions... Thank God for that... they helped me learned so much about my self. I learned to forgive, ignore issues that would stress me out... I grew up. I forgave my son's father no we're not together but became friends with his gf (now wife) and we left the past. I learned that I have to live day by day... baby steps and I will be okay. I think I was depressed for many years but I think I am okay now... but I need to be careful because I do have bursts every once in a while and my doors just close and I become weak once again...
I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
Since I remember in high school I was constantly inflicting some sort of pain whether it was carving into my skin or piecing something. I was always trying to accommodate the loneliness i felt which something else that really did exist. Boys didn't like me because I was different... I was shy, quiet, but smart. Boys like or liked outgoing girls.
Let see when I was a sophmore this stupid little freshman who played the sax had a crush on me. He practically made my life miserable because I couldn't get rid of him and he would make fun of me, which I couldn't stand. Many kids knew I had a crush on this boy so they would use it against me... to the point I would cry and not to think what I wanted to do to my self just to stop the laughter against me.
Well that year was a waste... I remember that following summer when we returned to band camp all the leaders and the band director got together to set up everything before people came. And I remember one of the conversations was to kick out this person out. I felt bad for this individual and I still don't know because he was annoying. So I tried calling his house because I felt if I spoke to him I could have helped him out. My number didn't go through because I had blocked it... so I unblocked it and I think his mother answered and passed the phone to him and I told him who I was and he said "I know, I saw the last name" Well that was the first change in my life... this individual changed this pessimestic, angered, people hater, gothic, emo chic. A few months after talking he asked me out. I changed so much... I started hanging out with his best friend and his girlfriend... we were a tight foursome throughout those 2 years... I think thay 360 degree change was the cause of the deepest depression I had ever been in... the lies, the cheating, the girls, the love.... I don't think I ever cried so much or annoyed my friends because I couldn't stopanswering his phone calls... friends tried taking my phone away because they knew that as soon as I got off the phone I would be crying again and it just didn't make sense, right? Well shortly afrter our last break-up I ended up getting pregnant... and he blamed me for ruining his life and wanted me to have an abortion... I hated him... I was alone... I couldn't do anything with friends anymore and I was stuck. I had a baby boy and fell into a post pardum depression... at that point I subconsciously would almost kill my self. I would zone out and almost caused my self to get into so many accidents and when I would come to I would start uncontrollably cry ... not knowing what to do to fix it.... I started having more issues at home because I couldn't do homeowrk because I had a baby and even thuogh family was supportive they became an issue... another stress factor. My issue became so hard thatthe only thing I could think was dying that I couldn't concentrate in school, friends, work.... I knew that if I didn't do something I would really end up dead and have a little orphane baby who his father didn't want. I threw myself intotherapy sessions... Thank God for that... they helped me learned so much about my self. I learned to forgive, ignore issues that would stress me out... I grew up. I forgave my son's father no we're not together but became friends with his gf (now wife) and we left the past. I learned that I have to live day by day... baby steps and I will be okay. I think I was depressed for many years but I think I am okay now... but I need to be careful because I do have bursts every once in a while and my doors just close and I become weak once again...
I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
Okay, I have to get this out of me because I can't sleep and I am just a little worried. I was fine at first but as time progresses it possesses over me. Well today my mother told me that she wanted to go to Santa Fe Springs to go get more product because as she says she hates starting the weekend with nothing. So at around noon we went to the lady's house where we had done the Demonstration to pick up money and leave the rest of the product. We got the money and tried to sign the lady since she is selling very well and if she signs she could be getting 30% off plus 43% in sales but she didn't want to... I don't know why?! Right now she is getting 15% discount with only 15% percent of what she sells? You tell me, what sounds like a better deal? I mean all you need is like a sale of like $350 to become Assistant Supervisor to get the whole discount. She has completed it and even been able to get the products she wants almost for free and instead she doesn't do it. Doesn't make sense but she is stuck listening to her husband who doesn't want her to enter her SSN# which she doesn't have to... Blah! And on top of that the day before some one said that my son was throwing rocks and hit a car windshield and it broke... So the lady today was saying little boy you're making your mom and grandma be in debt... So I told the lady... let me take a look at the window. It happened to be the front windshield... and when I asked her to show it to me, she couldn't find it... it was s tiny, it could have been provoked but driving the car in a freeway. She said that is was one of those that can break the windshield after a while... well all it looked like to me was that was nothing and even when some rocks fly in the freeway sometimes with a force they make those tiny little marks... It was seriously nothing.... All I am saying is that they are not going to come back after 4 years when it does crack and blame it on my son... you know what I am saying, that is ridiculous! I am going to go back take pictures and what ever incase they want to legal action... I will be ready... My dad wants a police to file a report so at least it's in the system and they cansee it as well incase of anything.... I don't know...
Okay, then we went to my aunts house who had also sold some more product and was going to give us money. She had had a back surgery a little ago and it seems as though she is selling so much more now. My mom had been trying to get her into the company for such a long time and she had always denied it... My mom wanted me to go and talk to her so she would decide. So I started talking to her and shhe said that she was. So she signed up. I also had the opportunity to see our grandma who just had lazer eye surgery on tuesday... aparently she is going to have it on her other eye soon... I can't imagine being 75 and with a surgery and not being able to look down or pick anything up and with my aunt without being able to move either... tough!
Anyways so we decided it was time to leave because we needed to go get product and we were on our way but the 60 freeway was so packed we took the streets. And as we were almost ther it was 4:30 and I asked my mom "what time do they close?" and she wasn't sure so I thought it was 5pm so we started to rush because we still needed some money orders and we went there first the place would close so I left her there. As we got there a lady that lives in Victorvilled who goes to our Norco meetings was leaving stiocked with product... we waved good bye as I noticed their new FLP magnent with their numbes for publicity and my mom got off and I left. I was driving careful but with a hurry. As I was getting closer to the Jax on Telegraph close to the 605 freeway there was a lot of trffic... and all I could think was my mom is not going to be able to buy product. Then as I pass the light where I can go into the store, which I aslways pass... I don't know why... I see a cop lighting his lights like 5 cars behind me trying to get through when he knew it was practically impossible. I we are moving a few inches at a time and all the cars cutting me off to get to the left lane... I see it... a burgendy, nissan... hit from the corner left side...a see a man lying down on the floor with a lady with black curly hair a long beiged shirt and then I look at the car again and there I saw the magnent staring me in the face. I didn't know what to do... I was freaking out. I knew them.... and her husband was on the floor... I didn't see blood but at first glance I didn't see him moving and she was pasing back and forth...worried. There was so much traffic I wish I could have stopped and helped her there but with my son in the back seat I would have been counter productive. I went to the store and called my mom but she didn't understood what I was saying... so I told to tell the people to wait... because there was an accident. As I was purchasing themoney orders the RSD George Salinas calls me to see what we were doing and I told him I was purchasing the money orders and then I tell him everything about the car accident and so she calls the sister Lilia Potilla... I didn't know what to do but I start leaving towards the product center because and Ambulance was approaching... so I was relieved that he was going to get some care. I go back to my mom and help her things. And then Lilia calls me and asks me what happened to I tell her what I saw...She told me that she had spokent to her sister was brief and she wasn't answering. I told her maybe they were going to the hospital... She told me that if they needed out help they were going to get in contact with us because her sister didn't know how to drive or even speak english... I can't imagine being in a worst case scenario. We had finished buying what we needed and I was stuck in the car thinking if I should wait for a call or leave. So I called her back and asked her if she was able to get in touch with her sister Ana and she said that she finally had. She was also able to talk to get husband the guy laying on the floor... he said he was a little hurt but he ended up nothing leaving in the ambulance because he had too many things to take care of... What!?!? So apparently after they checked him they just got on their car and left home.So I told her to tell him that if they feel insecure about their "crashed" car or they are feeling nervous or anything to call me because I was barely getting on the 605 freeway and I would be able to find them and help them easily...
I close my eyes and I still see him lying there on the floor... seeing her sitting in the curb with her hands in her head with desperation... not knowing what to do, who to contact... not knowing anyone in the area... it makes me think of when my mom had her accident... The worst anxiety in the world, not wished upon anyone...
Okay, then we went to my aunts house who had also sold some more product and was going to give us money. She had had a back surgery a little ago and it seems as though she is selling so much more now. My mom had been trying to get her into the company for such a long time and she had always denied it... My mom wanted me to go and talk to her so she would decide. So I started talking to her and shhe said that she was. So she signed up. I also had the opportunity to see our grandma who just had lazer eye surgery on tuesday... aparently she is going to have it on her other eye soon... I can't imagine being 75 and with a surgery and not being able to look down or pick anything up and with my aunt without being able to move either... tough!
Anyways so we decided it was time to leave because we needed to go get product and we were on our way but the 60 freeway was so packed we took the streets. And as we were almost ther it was 4:30 and I asked my mom "what time do they close?" and she wasn't sure so I thought it was 5pm so we started to rush because we still needed some money orders and we went there first the place would close so I left her there. As we got there a lady that lives in Victorvilled who goes to our Norco meetings was leaving stiocked with product... we waved good bye as I noticed their new FLP magnent with their numbes for publicity and my mom got off and I left. I was driving careful but with a hurry. As I was getting closer to the Jax on Telegraph close to the 605 freeway there was a lot of trffic... and all I could think was my mom is not going to be able to buy product. Then as I pass the light where I can go into the store, which I aslways pass... I don't know why... I see a cop lighting his lights like 5 cars behind me trying to get through when he knew it was practically impossible. I we are moving a few inches at a time and all the cars cutting me off to get to the left lane... I see it... a burgendy, nissan... hit from the corner left side...a see a man lying down on the floor with a lady with black curly hair a long beiged shirt and then I look at the car again and there I saw the magnent staring me in the face. I didn't know what to do... I was freaking out. I knew them.... and her husband was on the floor... I didn't see blood but at first glance I didn't see him moving and she was pasing back and forth...worried. There was so much traffic I wish I could have stopped and helped her there but with my son in the back seat I would have been counter productive. I went to the store and called my mom but she didn't understood what I was saying... so I told to tell the people to wait... because there was an accident. As I was purchasing themoney orders the RSD George Salinas calls me to see what we were doing and I told him I was purchasing the money orders and then I tell him everything about the car accident and so she calls the sister Lilia Potilla... I didn't know what to do but I start leaving towards the product center because and Ambulance was approaching... so I was relieved that he was going to get some care. I go back to my mom and help her things. And then Lilia calls me and asks me what happened to I tell her what I saw...She told me that she had spokent to her sister was brief and she wasn't answering. I told her maybe they were going to the hospital... She told me that if they needed out help they were going to get in contact with us because her sister didn't know how to drive or even speak english... I can't imagine being in a worst case scenario. We had finished buying what we needed and I was stuck in the car thinking if I should wait for a call or leave. So I called her back and asked her if she was able to get in touch with her sister Ana and she said that she finally had. She was also able to talk to get husband the guy laying on the floor... he said he was a little hurt but he ended up nothing leaving in the ambulance because he had too many things to take care of... What!?!? So apparently after they checked him they just got on their car and left home.So I told her to tell him that if they feel insecure about their "crashed" car or they are feeling nervous or anything to call me because I was barely getting on the 605 freeway and I would be able to find them and help them easily...
I close my eyes and I still see him lying there on the floor... seeing her sitting in the curb with her hands in her head with desperation... not knowing what to do, who to contact... not knowing anyone in the area... it makes me think of when my mom had her accident... The worst anxiety in the world, not wished upon anyone...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What would you do if you were stuck on dial-up?
awww... man... Just thinking about it makes me cringe inside. I rememeber dial-up.... I had to use it a few times to get free internet with AOL and it would take an hour to get online....It was the worst times of my life. If I was stuck on dial-up I think I would give up on the internet but that's just me...
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I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
Any special plans for your mom or wife on Mother's Day?
Well this weekend I know that my aunts and grandma are coming so my mom is happy that her family is coming over which is awesome for her. They are all scattered a little from where we use to live San Gabriel and Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Well it seems as thought we are going to have a lunchin and hangout... so I might do water balloons for the kidsso they can relax and have a little fun. I really want to give my mom a blender because we really need one and well it would make sense to buy it for her...hahaha I don't know unless I buy my own mother's day presense which wouldn't be nice. I don't know.... those are special plans for us....
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I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
What's your favorite day of the week and why?
I really enjoy friday. It's not because it's the end of the week,to me it doesn't' matter,almost all days are the same for me. But since every other day is usually chaotic and busy. We have to go here, take this there, meetings and more meetings well that is the day everyone starts to mellow down. So at least for that day I can relax with my son and not have to do much. I think friday is the day I can catch up with choresI have or just watch a movie and be on the computer. Usually saturdays I am taking my son some form of a little partyso that makes him happy and well me a little stressed... hahaha. FRIDAY!
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I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!
So today we had a night of raffles and the ending of a contest, which was a weight loss contest. For days people had been anticipating the ending of this weigh loss contest. But of course maybe like 9 or 10 but of course there were suppose to be like 50 people. Either way those who entered loss great amount of weight and are starting to look even better which we should all strive to do a little more. Well since my biggest issues have always lied on depression and I was a compulsive over eater... loosing weight has never been a park in the park. I many things and to my misfortune I would never loose any weight. I use to wake up at 5am go to the gym and feel great but there was no change. Sadly, money ran out so I had to quit the gym. Right now I know not many see the difference but sometimes our eyes are everything we need to see. Sure I entered the contest as well but no I didn't win but my mom is happier with me. So I have lost like 10 pounds in a month and I have gone down a pants size in jeans which still fit me a little loose. I think I would be happy if I can fit into this skirt that I have that was given to me so long ago. I think that is one of my harder goals to attain well as of now but I know I can do it if I keep going. The weird thing is that I have never been able to loose pound but I did. My clothes feels great. Some is still a little tight but with the difference that I can finally see a little more curve well to say that I was wearing black slacks on monday and a tight black turtle neck... it was hot but I protect my skin, anyways... I was bending down trying to put my son into the car and that when I heard it. Well you see I have never been a fan of women being whistled at, or "supposed" compliments being shouted from a car but this time for a long time I was quite happy I had this negative attention which I hadn't had in years. Even the teller at my bank treated me a little different... It's the bosy language, how you talk and almost as though they want you to feel helpless which can be a type of flirting tecnique, I don't know. People treat you different when you're different. I know for years I had this "fuck off" sign and I didn't know how to put it down but I think I am getting the hang of it once again.... I was always told that I had a "I'm married kind of face" so nobody approached me." * sigh* I know! But today after this award ceremony my mother and I went to the store... She needed something so I decided to go get it for hr or actually ask the produce people.... There was a guy there... and the way I approached him and ask for the corn made him act quick. There are so many things that come into play and many are aware of but it takes a very few of us a little longer to know what to do or to get back into the game per say. I am starting to figure out what I can do but then again... I know now what kind of guys get attracted to me so I need to change that as well.
I am so happy I am a supervisor in Forever Living Products!
check it out! it's my page
I am so happy I am a supervisor in Forever Living Products!
check it out! it's my page
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Would you rather live in the city or country? Why?
The hard thing about answering the question is that they are both a little extreme. When I think City I think of parallel parking, hardlly any trees, all cars and barely kids playing outside. When I think country I see only trees, few distant neighbors and no stores or gas stations near by. I don't know but I think I would love live in a suburb, right outside a big city... yet I would to move to colorado just to live in a white glazed mountain side... I don't know....hahaha.... clean air and lime green leaves... I'm stuck!
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Wow, time really flies but sometimes not fast enough. Sometimes we look back and see that everyday is actually different and it can really impact life so much. As I sit here I am still seeing my scars heal and yet I cannot wait until they are almost unnoticeable but I have come to the conclusion that some are now going to remain and continue with me for a while. Although, they aren't such an impact we regret many things and so not wish for others to see when you had an act of insanity. Unfortunately, although when I was younger there were minor ones none have been so obvious and having to hide behind a black mask is not easy and it'd hard to hide. I remember back when I was younger I use to shield my self behind my jacket. It would be the hottest day in the world but I would have my huge black jacket. With it, I felt like nobody can say or do anything I wasn't prepared for. Now, I am hiding such a visible image people cannot know. As time progresses people attain an image and rarely of respectable nature... For such a long time I would wear mostly halter tops and now I don't like wearing them much but I have gone to the store to look for shirts and I can't find long sleeve shorts... that has been my biggest challenge, living in a valley in California where the weather isn't too cold and now hot season is in.... and i am stuck in a hole with no way out... I guess I deserve those snoopy, gossiping, eyes for not thinking at the moment. We regret things at times and for righteous reasons but sometimes a day too late once we actually thinking of the consequences...
Have any of you ever done something you regretted yet you couldn't do much to hide what you actually did?
What did you do? And what did you do to try and mask your mistake?
Have any of you ever done something you regretted yet you couldn't do much to hide what you actually did?
What did you do? And what did you do to try and mask your mistake?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I can't believe I woke up so late... it was 9:15am... that was bad... but I got up and cleaned the restroom from topto bottom. It was okay... I just finished maybe like 15 minutes ago. Yesterday I got home at like 10 but I felt so relaxed. I went to sleep at 1am and Danny went to sleep at midnight. He lasted his long while I was a little surprised. But, he woke up almost at the same time I did maybe a few minutes later but I slept so well. I think I have more to write but I think I am going to have to wait because I can't remember right now...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Back in elementary school, what kinds of games do you remember playing?
Well I was a master at the games I played in Elementary. Well in 4th grade I played Tether Ball and I remember that we had to use School rules so that I wouldn't win all the time...
I remember I use to be asked to let people win but that girl was never other wise nice so I wouldn't let her win. In 4th and 5th grade I played a lot of handball as well and well that was a lot of fun. Also, in 5th grade I played dodgeball and well I took on those boys just they took on us... I still have a scar from 5th grade. Although, in 5th grade I got boobs and well boys were scared to hit me too hard. I became a B cup right away. But I didn't care and I played and were their own match.
Before that I didn't play anything. I was scared and I didn't talk to people. I was a very submissive person so people took advantage of me. Oh yeah I was great at running too.. I was very tall but I was one of the fastest in 5th grade... loved it then....
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Before that I didn't play anything. I was scared and I didn't talk to people. I was a very submissive person so people took advantage of me. Oh yeah I was great at running too.. I was very tall but I was one of the fastest in 5th grade... loved it then....
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